>>4789369That was a dumb recommendation
Okay so I know you and this place love to exaggerate about what it is and isn't to be a fan of Hololive and a fan of the spaces that the community provides to interact with other fans and form a meaningful connection, but I really am getting kinda tired of the normalfags that come in here and bring in their bizarre fucking expectations.
'don't do this' or 'don't do that' it's like some weird version of gatekeeping on what exactly we are and aren't capable of or should do.
I think if you intend to imply that we somehow are limited in our freedom to express our interactions with this community and the broader community in a more general sense, or otherwise engage with elements and emergent properties of the thriving and thrumming fanbase of Hololive(and moreover, Hololive employees, because fucking duh), you need to take a look in the mirror. I'm here to engage in content the way I choose, and participate and produce the works I choose, about the holos I like and frankly if you think that's 'impossible', that's your problem.
Did certain elements present in these threads likely stem from the behavior in question?
Yes, probably. That's the thing about this place, it's like a melting pot, anything can come from anyone, anywhere, and if you try to call it as you see it every time, the obvious happens; you're wrong eventually.
Because it isn't about what you think of something and how it might relate to the content and posts and all the other bullshit you see here(and referenced to by posts here). It's about what the posts meant to the poster in question, or what they didn't, and news flash, that's up to the dude behind the fucking screen typing the words out before they appear in front of your god damn face in the first place.
You didn't type that shit. You didn't know what went into it. Where do you get off trying to police engagement in the fandom or trying to influence the expression of the users here?
Last I checked, nobody handed you or anybody else the keys to the kingdom.
So what do you take away from this? I think it's pretty fucking obvious, personally but maybe you see it differently.
And that's the beauty of it; that's OK! It's all up to your interpretation and it always has been.
It's been a subjective artistic experience through and through because that's what entertainment, and engagement in entertainment is about.
It's about seeing what you want to, or fuck, need to see in a thing, and taking away what you need.
And if the mood strikes and you feel it pull something from inside you that you want to turn into a comment or OC or a paragraph or 5 about something that maybe didn't mean much to somebody else or anybody else, that's part of being a fan.
That's part of being alive, a human being, who takes input in order to process it in their own conundrum of a fucking brain and spit out what they can and hope that it helps them connect to other people around them.
So really, what do you get from claiming something like "a real ___ wouldn't do this" or the inverse, because what you're saying there isn't the truth, it's a limitation you've imposed upon yourself, and a limitation you've imposed upon your perception of events; but what it isn't, wasn't, and won't be, is a limitation on the human condition of the people around you, who are damn well happy to be as similar or different from your expectations as they damn well please. And that's alright.
Sometimes they do things you don't like. But when they do, when Hololive makes them DO, spurs them to action, that's a beautiful fucking thing, because it means that something in life gave them the impetus for action.
Action is the core of life and it's the core of what all of these wonderful girls do every damn day, trying to give our lives a little bit more oomph in whatever way they can, in whatever way that satisfies them.
So it's time to throw away all the stupid assumptions about who and what and why and where and all that bullshit and really begin to engage with this thread and its constituents like a person cognizant of its purpose; to serve as just another outlet for the products of the actions of the girls we respect so much and the actions they evoke in people through the concern and passion they harbor in their hearts and use to mold a streaming experience that gives something back for the chance they've been given.
Sometimes, that means a paragraph is written with the efforts in mind.
Sometimes, it's about this or that and meant as genuine criticism.
And sometimes, somebody just empties their minds and keeps typing words that functionally make sense, but actually have no point, until it expounds into paragraphs and paragraphs about literally nothing at all.
And that's ok, because sometimes we can begin to realize, what Hololive really gave some of us at the end of the day was a distressing case of schizophrenia.