>You've been dreading this day coming for a while now
>It's when Shiori will leave you
>She's going on vacation with her relatives, and as much as you wanted to come, you couldn't make the arrangements in time.
>But you've been through this before
>The same motions, taking her suitcase from the car
>The same motions walking her through to departure terminal
>It doesn't make it any easier, in fact, you think it might be harder now than it was four months ago.
>And you think it might be harder on Shiori too.
>She was clingy last night, even teary, and as you hold her in your embrace before departing she breaks down.
>"I'll miss you. I really will. I can't wait to be back home, to you."
>Shiori gives you a kiss. It's a little saltier than the kisses you normally share, and as she walks through the gate, and out of your sight, you walk off, back to your car.
>How will you survive? She's been the light of your life and she's gone.
>But you'll be fine, you'll make it. It's only two weeks, and she said she'll send you videos and messages while you're gone.
>You'll make it, you know you will.
>You know you will
>You taste salt again.