WAHtching Ina bless our hearts with a wonderful karaoke s- holy shit she sang Odo's Ado as her first song. This is going to be one super special Ina Unarchived Karaoke. Really feel bad for anyone who misses out on this kino and soulful performance, it could be the last one for MONTHS.
While Pekora has been playing Jump King for six hours now and has made almost zero progress. Sure she's gotten further than Gura but just barely. Even though she's been stuck in this particular area for 4 hours, I still do believe she's better than Kanata at Jump King....barely.
Polka released yet another cover song today, this time singing Cinderalla by Deco*27. Her unique and chaotic singing voice once again makes another super unique and amazing cover and you'd have to be insane in the membrane to have not streamed it at least once at this point.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACImtqaabpwSo friends, where we at?