BODY LANGUAGE ANALYSIS (no Ame because we've done this before):
Extremely energetic, bouncy, the "dancer" of the group. Usually when a girl acts like this, they're trying their best to get the attention of others and as a result, are actually the most insecure since they seek validation through others and is indicative of an extrovert with low self-esteem, especially given how much she was interacting with props and doing questionable things with them. Will likely be the most animated of everyone in the real 3D reveal, gives off real "horny, frustrated single woman" vibes when it comes to her dance moves, likely frightened many a nikkei boy out of a club due to her overbearing nature.
Extremely reserved and shy, she only expended energy when she needed to or when she knew someone was looking at her. The way she holds her hands to her chest and presents herself is indicative of a rather strict upbringing and her manners in social situations definitely reflect this. At the same time, however, her incredible lack of stamina and minor stage fright would mean that she's the quintessential wallflower. She was also constantly looking down at the floor even though she was in VR, indicating extremely low self-esteem and would likely struggle to make eye contact with people. The live 3D will be very interesting,
Boisterous, although I'm curious if she simply didn't have her rigging set up properly or that she has some serious lordosis going on. Very similar to Mori but with more experience and confidence in her movements, not trying to distract with her movements but also going all out when the camera is on her. Has a definite "showbiz" attitude to her movements and often creates fun situations for other people due to her extroversion. She is also arguably the most physical when it comes to intimacy, whereas the others were more content with playing with props, Kiara often had to initiate hugs and bodily contact. Very large empath and the most "typical" femme of the group.
A natural comedian, a lot of people were expecting her to be spastic but she purposely sets up situations where she would cause a laugh, be it teabagging Mori or floating through the sky. I would argue that she purposely styles herself after the mannerisms of a cat out of boredom before, liked it, and then frequently and subconsciously adding elements, which is indicative of a fairly lonely lifestyle. She's very much a girl that likes being given odd situations and working with them on an improvisational level, but doesn't quite know what to do and is prone to visible boredom when people are having normal conversations, but doesn't actively try to grab attention. Likely styles herself a hide and seek master.