>>7646456it me i'm back hello folks i think people of a certain intellect are much more able to torment themselves with their own thoughts! a primary tool that us humans have above any other known being is the ability to run simulations in our head. if you're smart and maybe a little twisted in perspective, you have a lot of leverage against yourself! you can really get in your own head pretty bad. i read op's thread on /adv/ just now and it sounds like this sentiment is shared among a lot of y'all. i don't come on here very much, like once in a few blue moons, i forgot that much of 4chan is rly deprived or unhappy ;(
anyway, i've personally come a long way from wanting to blow my head off ages 13-17 to being 24 going on 25 now really really enjoying life. even now, in 2020, a remarkably horrible year. just remember, in the nature of experience, ultimately everything comes down to you: you are the sole interpreter of your experience. deep down i think everyone has a strong ability to know what will really make them happy, and what they truly desire, but people are way too good at shoving aside personal aspiration in favor of security. you only have one shot at life, but in most things (until you die) you can try again and again. you want to get into a certain school? apply as many times as you can until they accept your ass. you want to be in a band? keep trying to gather members and sit down and make music. in everything, you've only truly failed once you've stopped trying.
anyway this is a lot of rant for a whole lot of nobody but i'm mildly tipsy after a pretty good day and i just want to radiate some positive love and energy to whoever i can. for whatever reason, i feel like the people who read this will somehow be the most appropriate audience for such a message.
love u