It's time for us to enjoy life with our friends and family, and to show our appreciation of them with our gifts.
And there is no better way show your appreciation of Ho-kago Tea Time's resident ojou Kotobuki Tsumugi than to share the gift of our images of her on /c/!
Hopefully we can keep the positive vibes and chill atmosphere going until New Years, because it's the season of cheer!
*The Ricchan archive, contains DL links for the K-ON! Illustration archives, the けいおん! Live Concerts, Sato Satomi's discography, Ritsu's Image songs in FLAC, and the official Keion desktop app (calendar widget, desktop mascots, system sounds changer, clock widget, cursor changer and a wallpaper manager):!WsBWhATa!pkf8TUBIsdChuh02DZ0_qA
*AI stuff: NovelAI image generator, the sky is the limit. chat with a Ritsu-bot, the more you chat with it and remind her character traits, the further you'll develop Ritsu's personality for everyone.