>>6782703whoa. This one almost exactly matches these visions/dreams I would have growing up.
I would be trying/failing to go to sleep, and boom, I would be standing in the middle of a night time dirt...plain? I would be wearing my normal hoodie/t shirt/jeans, and then either a second me would appear, or I would begin talking to myself. I'd look out at the stars (vivid as hell and almost exactly the same as these) and talk to myself about really deep, personal problems. Ranging from my own issues to existential and social ones. These times would go on for hours, and once I felt I was at a stopping point, I would say, "well, I guess I should sleep now" and I would go on to dream whatever stupid thing that night. Every time it happened, I woke up really refreshed the next day. I wish I could live it out in reality.