>>74795780HoloJourneys: (Across Deserts to the Oceans Blue, A Shining Star Debuts) Chapter 43: A Senchou's Duty
https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRit5v8Ruu26HgPSfdo3PLOeremluEVSLZL0xiYdk3pVvybJ7W9MrU_M6_uIdceeqyyyiQwuiJW5cic/pubTags:(Flare, Marine, SFW, Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Fluff)
HoloJourneys: (Across Deserts to the Oceans Blue, A Shining Star Debuts) Chapter 44: A Long Overdue Whale Hunt
https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTb6tWMt8gegfkF_vfRwG41Lo6XspYeMoRQZ1xxF5M7Xp8ls7AxNd7IeWs4SZ3qOnRwT3j-OXv57nSv/pubTags: (Polka, Pomu, Botan, Kiara, Marine, SFW, Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Fluff)
HoloJourneys: (Across Deserts to the Oceans Blue, A Shining Star Debuts) Chapter 45: A True Test of Resolve
https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR1LPv1exLOhpgDXn4YO_s3UZrEnRBZvGU-XCkZUFYB7zrLUBBv85ChX4Ywnr_C9KmVZG_626vzzH46/pubTags: (Watame, Flare, Polka, Nene, Pomu, Botan, Kiara, Marine, SFW, Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Fluff)
After what feels like forever, here it is, the climatic finale of the current arc. I had wanted to get all the action that was left done in one go while also taking the time to refine and improve the way I do these scenes. While it was exhausting at times, it was still a lot of fun. It really is something else when the scenes you’ve been thinking of for months finally make it onto paper. I appreciate anyone who has been patient with the updates and still decide to take this crazy ride with me. I already learned some good things with the action I’ve written in this arc that I will take with me and use to improve how the future adventures read. With this part done, that means I can also move on to writing the rewards from the effort;
Half elf SEGGS
Lionesss SEGGS
More Sheep SEGGS
Dates with half-elves, lionesses, Nenes, and funny fennecs!
A fluffy sun filled vacation awaits so get excited.
So here ya go, three chapters to close up the action for this arc. I had tried splitting it out across four, but with the amount of meat that was in the final two and the flow of them, they honestly felt right as 3 chapters. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the reading and please feel free to give me any feedback you might have. Thanks again, and I hope you’re looking forward to the romantic fluff I’m about to get started writing as much as I am.