>>3037662That's definitely true, but I figure as long as she can avoid the Jaina or Leah treatment, she'll be okay and I can manage. Nothing has to be perfect, but I don't think I'm being entitled for wanting it to be enjoyable.
>>3038246I'll concede both of those points, and they're good ones, but I'm not really upset. I just think they could have done more by this point than they have. Going back to my gripes about Alive, they could have mitigated that by just giving her one or two panels in Reflections to have her say "Boy, I sure am bummed out about that thing that happened. Good thing I've learned from my experiences and have my loved ones here to support me in the future!" That's all they needed to do for me to be satisfied; I'm just asking for basic development, not a full-blown character study. I critique because I love and I want it to do its best, but I'm also a patient man, and I'm willing to wait for what I want as long as is necessary for it to come naturally.
Since TF2 has been going strong for a decade (wow, I just felt really old) on its own, and Overwatch is in kind of the same boat, I don't know if there will ever be another game in the series, especially given Blizzard's track record with spinoffs. That said, I would totally play a Pharah game done in the style of Metroid Prime or a Mirror's Edge-meets-Sands of Time-style Tracer game.
>>3038253I'll down a cupcake to that!