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Disappearing Hogwarts

ID:4bTBGI+D No.5744433 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
“Professor Potter, do you have a moment?” You hear the witch ask through the door. Around you, the halls of Hogwarts are as silent as they should be this late at night, only the occasional ghost wandering about. “The student, sir. I brought him to see you.”
“You should be <span class="mu-i">sleeping</span> right now, Lily, not wandering the halls,” came the response from another voice. “How did you even know I was awake?”
“Uh, because I know you? Anyway, you should also be sleeping,” she said back. “But neither of us have ever been very good at following orders, have we?”
“I should have been sterner with you, that’s what I should have done.”
“Too late, I’m already incorrigible. Should I tell him to come in?”
“Yes, yes. Then <span class="mu-i">go to bed</span>.”
“But I want to hear what you find out about him!”
“Bed. <span class="mu-i">Now</span>.”
“Ugh, <span class="mu-i">fine</span>.” The door to the office opened and the redheaded witch came out. “Come on in, he’ll see you now.”
“Thanks, Lily!” you answer. She gives you a strained smile, then leaves. You walk through the door, coming face to face with the… Well, boy-who-lived was no longer correct. He was a man now. The one who defeated Voldemort, all those years ago.
“Come,” he said, looking tired. “Sit.”
“Am I in trouble, sir?” You ask, worried. After all, it wasn’t every day that the beautiful daughter of the Savior of Magical Britain and Deputy Headmaster of Hogwarts askes you on a date in the middle of the night, only to reveal she wants you to talk to her father instead.
“No, no trouble at all. There is just one issue we need to address,” he said. “Your teachers told me a lot about you. Good grades, good friends, you made an impression in quite a few of them. Your friends also told me their fair share of amusing stories, earlier today when I asked them about it. There is just one small issue.”
He’d been investigating you? Oh, that couldn’t be good.
“What is it, sir?”
“We have no record of anyone with your name ever being admitted to Hogwarts. Your file is non-existent. Your grades and tests from your previous years are nowhere to be found. The Sorting Hat,” he says, pointing at a dirty, scrunched up hat at the corner of the room, “He tells me he never sorted anyone with your name, ever. Yet pretty much the entire faculty and all students know you. Except for Hogwarts itself, me and my daughter, for whom you were conjured into existence last Sunday when you arrived at Hogwarts for, apparently, your sixth year.”
“So, tell me,” he says with a dry smile. “Who exactly are you?”

> Elias Thornswood, a courageous half-blood Gryffindor with a knack for Defense Against the Dark Arts
> Elvira Prewett, a clever pureblood Ravenclaw with a gift for Charms
> Elliot Hallaster, a cunning muggleborn Slytherin with a penchant for Potions
> Eve Valeyard, a caring half-blood Hufflepuff with a love for Magical Creatures
> Other (Write in, pick a name, house and specialty)