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Threads by latest replies - Page 13

painting thread

No.788565 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
post ur paintings! i go first :)

Please draw her

No.784347 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /i/, I was wondering if you could draw my oc, i mean uhhhhhhhhhhmmm do what you like with her ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
32 posts and 21 images omitted

No.745607 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
happiness thread
56 posts and 41 images omitted

Cowboy thread

No.788571 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have never played RDR 2 B4 but I have read blood meridian and I believe this is how this interaction would go. wanted to share, post cowboy's/cowgirls or anything else I guess

/crab/ Gaiden #3

No.781125 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Comic and random art battles /crab/ Gaiden are the off season threads between the /crab/2 and the /crab/3 tournament.

What do we do here?

We chill and prepare for the third tournament (/crab/3) this summer (July 2024) with art, stories and mini events.

Wanna join? Introduce your character. Some crabs that participated in /crab/2 continue their character's story even after the previous tourney is over. Others are prepping their crab3 characters.

What is /crab/?

Comics and random art battles is an annual multi-board OC tournament with a strong emphasis on collab and storytelling.

We have a filter d*scord server, to join us in the real one you have to submit your character for crab3 and its introduction in any media format. At the moment we accept a limited number of users, gradually.


Previous Threads

/Crab/ Pastebin Archive:


95 posts and 49 images omitted

Oi! Tales of Bardic Fury Volume 3 Storytime+ Epilogue

No.752205 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Oi! Tales of Bardic Fury Volume 3 storytime

>Finishing where the previous storytime thread left off

Oi is my fantasy comic about a bard who gets sent to a village by the sea that never heard music before. You can read the previous volumes here:

Here's the previous /i storytime thread
178 posts and 153 images omitted

No.764752 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ive already been told the paneling is bad
im working on it
61 posts and 38 images omitted

No.786045 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
She may not be my oc but dang I feel like I wanted fanarts of her so 4chan, please do it
6 posts and 2 images omitted

insomnia art thread

No.728307 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
making a thread for myself when i want to draw during sleepless nights. feel free to join me frens
108 posts and 99 images omitted

No.788295 View ViewReplyOriginalReport