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Threads by latest replies - Page 20

Antarctic Snow Cruiser

No.2009583 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do you think this concept would succeed if built with modern technology?
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Prioritize Railway Crossing Safety!!!

No.2015984 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
There's this one crossing that I've encountered that has just 2 lights and that's it. Not even a sign for pedestrians (which do regularly walk by the crossing) saying "THIS IS AN ACTIVE RAILROAD CROSSING"

Adding more barriers and signs to railroad crossings would protect more lives and protect me from having someone splattered on me or the rails.

Also, is there any reason why some people just ignore the lights and loud train horn and decide to put themselves in danger by speeding through the crossing? Would love to hear your thoughts!
13 posts and 2 images omitted

No.2015694 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>That grown ass man who uses coaster brakes
You are not that guy, right?
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No.2016025 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What did they mean by this?

The real redpill

No.2016157 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I feel like a lunatic after I did the simple math of how much space, time and effort is WASTED on cars and car infrastructure.
>thousands of km^2 wasted on fucking ASPHALT
>thousands more on PARKING in the middle of CITIES that should have people, businesses and open spaces for us, animals and plants
>Uncountable ammount of collective time wasted doing NOTHING in a metal/plastic box huffing benzene, tire dust and CO
I feel like I am going insane, tried talking this to a friend and a coworker and both of them looked at me as if I was from mars. Is this why everyone is going insane and things going to shit? how can a society function if most people are in solitary confinement daily for their commute??

What will Dart Man ride now?

No.2013574 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

No.2012247 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: We talk about our craziest public transportation stories.
27 posts and 5 images omitted

No.2015701 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Google maps: Is the speed trap still there?
>hit no
>actually is still there
I hope some lawbreaker got caught thanks to my efforts
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