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Threads by latest replies - Page 5

No.2030320 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Buys a ticket to the Bahamas
>Takes you to heaven instead
If it's Boeing I'm going to heaven
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/btg/ Bike Touring General

No.2031994 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I guess it's finally time for new thread.
what are your touring plans for 2025? cooking up some months long big adventure or just few small trips every now and then?
maybe you're already on a tour or just finished one recently?
I'll be going across the Europe to Santiago de Compostela, starting in April.
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No.2031985 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
65k a year, what a joke
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Drop out of biz school for flight school?

No.2033366 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
24, second year uni student doing the “best” business degree in my country. Supposedly a golden ticket to the big leagues—consulting, IB, maybe even VC if I licked enough boots. Thought I had it all figured out.

Then today, I’m sitting in my financial accounting class, staring at a balance sheet, and it hits me like a freight train: I don’t give a single fuck about this. I don’t care about IFRS standards. I don’t care about “optimizing shareholder value.” I don’t want to be some Excel wageslave shoveling numbers for some middle manager who clocks out at 5 to drink himself to sleep.

I've always wanted to fly. Not the airline cattle herding bullshit, but real flying—bush planes in Alaska, aerobatics, corporate jets where you get paid six figures to sip champagne at FL450. Problem is, flight school costs more than my net worth (which is fucking zero), and I don’t have daddy’s trust fund to bankroll it. The rational choice is to finish my degree, get a stable job, and maybe try to pivot later. But that sounds like slow death.

It’s like I’ve been lulled into this easy, respectable path, the kind everyone around me nods approvingly at—“smart choice, good future”—but at the cost of ignoring the closest I can get to a real life of adventure.

Do I finish the soul-sucking business grind, or do I say fuck it and go full send on something I actually want to do, even if it means being broke for years? Anyone else been in this position, or am I just terminally retarded?

No.2033432 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

collectible bike thread

No.1941662 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Old thread finally hit its bump limit >>1750878

2023 started out as a crazy year on the collectible market but things seem to have settled down a bit
Have you made any new acquisitions ?
What do you wish to buy year?
Collectible bike thread!!
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Femanon here

No.2033496 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
My husband flies the dash 8 and I don’t know what to get him for his birthday after tomorrow. What do pilots enjoy?

Music while bicycling?

No.1977726 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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/STG/ Space Transportation General

No.2027828 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Space transportation general: Stage Separating into a new year edition.

This general is here because spaceflight is increasing exponentially. We are up to at least a launch per week and we are now in the midst of flight testing an industry revolutionizing fully reusable
super heavy lift launch vehicle.

Upcoming launches:


SpaceX livestreams on Twitter/X:


Upcoming NASA operations:


SpaceX Mars goal.



Starbase 24/7 streams



Old Starbase tour





Newer but less quality starbase tour



Latest news on Artemis.

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RIP to a transportation legend

No.2033422 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
His advocacy for parking reform actually did contribute to dozens of cities removing parking minimums.

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