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Shinkanzen documentary

No.2024166 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This stuff is ancient but I hope that it wasn't posted here before:

The construction of the Japanese Shinkanzen high-speed rails, form 1964.

Both the footage and the tempo if that of the '60s, so do NOT expect some twitch footage and on point editing.
But, I think you all would appreciate it, or - at least - should see this!

ps: use auto-subtitles. While at some point it it definitely an 'eh', it is better than nothing.
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No.2033354 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i absolutely love motorcycles i think we should talk about the new honda fireblade
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Riding Into History - The Final Run of BART’s legacy cars

No.1992466 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Today, Bay Area Rapid Transit formally retired the last of its original rolling stock that had been in service since the system opened in 1972. The occasion was marked by speeches from BART officials and a farewell excursion between McArthur and Fremont (where the very first train had run on September 11, 1972). I was there and rode the last train.
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No.2033316 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let’s talk about airliner crashes.

What are some fascinating investigations? Anyone have any insight into aircraft manufacturers and any industry controversies?

/fa/ on the street, trail or mountain 2025

No.2033024 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Spring has started in the warmer climates and the worst snow is behind us.

Did anybody pick up any cool clothes to wear on the bike? A new jersey is 15 bucks on Ali. High fashion stuff like Syn and Pas normal have hipster cred. Vintage 80s throwbacks are in. Everyone has figured out taint pads rule even if sewn into 'tactical' mtb shorts.

It's never been cheaper to look good. What is your bike style and what are you doing in 2025 to make the scene?
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tuned mass dampers

No.2019204 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>That cylinder is a mass dampener also known as a J dampener in physics.The purpose is to neutralize high frequency low amplitude oscillations.Mass dampeners are currently used in Moto GP and were banned in F1 in the mid 2000s.The mass dampener can also be placed on the fork,above the bottom bracket and as shown on the rear swing arm/triangle on a full suspension bike.
have these been used on road bikes yet? i have a stiff track bike fixie, anything that could improve performance or comfort would interest me. i haven't paid attention to bike stuff lately so idk if it has been mentioned on GCN/GMBN yet. GCN has done a lot of videos on tire pressure so i could see them experimenting with tuned mass dampers.
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No.2033295 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Method of action of drug induced encephalitis within San Francisco. This is now known so I'm publishing it.

What you do is you take people that are within the shelter system in San Francisco and you give them athletes foot. You then repeatedly give them bacteria that cause various health effects which can then travel to the brain. Without access to antibiotics which are withheld from the public by crooked doctors (and antifungal cream), or access to a place where someone isn't gassed with drugs which can then infect someone even more the person will simply die of bacterial infection. The only cure for this is bed rest and medicine which the doctors withhold and the criminals in the shelters will prevent while repeatedly gassing you with drugs.

This is why San Francisco looks like this. You then have to become "friends" with the people that are sickening you or they'll not let you rest until you die. Most people have chosen to die rather than become friends with their abusers.

Don't come here.
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No.2031688 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are modern train stations not built with beauty in mind?
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No.2031797 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Parallel’s battery-electric cars — which can run alone or together as an autonomous platoon of up to 50 cars — can each carry a single container

Phase 1
>2 mile section of track with no crossings

Phase 2
>30 miles of track
>no other rail operations
>crossings flagged

Phases 3+4
>84 miles of track
>incorporating track warrant authority

Phase 5
>actually hauling containers

Phase 6
>160 miles
>incorporating system into usual railroad operations
>containers now have test loads

Phase 7
>"limited" revenue cargo
>"platooning" operations of up to 50 cars
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No.1980531 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
3 speed
All you need
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