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Threads by latest replies - Page 22

No.2026563 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Has anyone here rode through the Moffat Tunnel?
It's a 100 year old, 6 mile rail tunnel through the mountains in Colorado. Apparently there's no ventilation and very little clearance with the walls.
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No.2030508 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Jeju Air black boxes ceased recording before plane crash, South Korea says
>Transport ministry is investigating the cause of the data loss following the worst-ever aviation disaster in the country’s history
FDRs and CVRs don't just stop working for no reason. What the fuck is going on?
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Anti-train delusions

No.2031945 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It seems to me there’s a more autistic netizen than the railfan: the train-hater presents more autistic than any foamer I’ve ever seen.
Train-haters use any excuse whatsoever to diminish American passenger rail, even when they make no sense.
>Trains will be more expensive than [x mode of transport]!!1
So? They’re faster and more comfortable than planes or cars for regional trips.
>Trains will be full of poor minorities because they’re cheap!!1
What plane have you been on that didn’t have any minorities? Also I thought you said it would be more expensive than planes?
>No one will take the train because they need a car at the end!!1
Last time I checked, plane tickets don’t come with a free car on the end but Americans still fly. No reason for trains to be any different. Also train stations are right downtown so a large (and ever-growing) portion of riders won’t need a car.

Autistic train-haters just throw as much shit at the wall as they can and hope something sticks, even if it contradicts their earlier statements. Impossible to take them seriously.
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I went to a train museum for my birthday today

No.1915151 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Dumping photos for whoever's interested.
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City should be built like Catalhöyük

No.2025254 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You move above the streets, on the roofs. The streets would be free of pedestrians for the most part, imagine how many thousands of senseless deaths would be avoided yearly with people ran over by cars, bikes, buses, trains, etc.
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No.2031657 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are American HSR advocates so obsessed with Chicago?
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/gag/ General Aviation General

No.2017188 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Jet Time Edition

Previous thread >>2007661#
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50cc moped buying advice

No.2030868 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am looking for a cheap 50cc moped to buy for about 20 miles of commute and back twice-thrice a week.

At first I wanted to get the Chinese ones on Amazon, but after reading about them apparently not being reliable/lasting long, I decided to get a used moped from a more reputable brand. Since I don't have any experience with mechanics and is quite lacking in funds, buying something that might break easily is not a good idea.

I went on FB marketplace and found some good deals. There is :
>2016 Vespa 50cc for $350
>2020 Genuine Scooter Buddy 50cc for $799
>2007 Genuine Scooter Buddy 50cc for $500

The Vespa is the cheapest but also the most broken(see webm). Parts of it are cracked and the owner admits in the description "broken key but start up good and is in good condition".
The 2020 Buddy is a little expensive in comparison, but almost like new.
The 2007 Buddy is the perfect balance of affordable, from reputable company for reliable scooters, and does not appear cracked at all(the owner even says he had it repaired at a shop before listing).
The problem is that the 2007 Buddy is located 73 miles away from me in a different city. The other ones are at least in the area and I could pick it up by transit.
The hill from both cities is steep, so trying to go in bus and go back on the scooter might not be a good idea. I considered uShip but the lowest estimated quote is around 121 (average 211, highest 272).

What would you recommend?
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Azerbaijan Airlines Shootdown Thread

No.2028735 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
MH17 2: Electric Boogaloo
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