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Threads by latest replies - Page 30

Industrial Transportation

No.2029449 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
From a logistics perspective, does it make the most sense to put factories on the outskirts of major cities?
Nabisco built a big factory in my hometown a few years ago, but we're like 2.5 hours from a major city. So I'm wondering why they didn't just build outside Atlanta or Nashville or Charlotte.

Inside city limits you have to deal with a lot of traffic, but right outside the city you can still get trucks around. Though maybe they built in my city because we have freight rail.
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is there a way to import transit routes directly into google earth?

No.2029671 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
im feeling very autistic today and i thought it would look cool on a map to document every route ive taken - dont ask. kind of like how some giga roller coaster autists track every coaster theyve been on for "credits". however, im about 4 hours in an this is getting really tedious. is there some way i can import transit routes directly into google earth like you can driving directions?

Vietnam greenlights HSR between Ho Chi Mihn City and Hanoi

No.2026754 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Going to have to be a 300 km/h average speed for a 5 hour trip.
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No.2024467 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How would you design a railroad network here?
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Paris-Berlin direct train confirmed

No.2019739 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
December 2024 will see the launch of the first direct train serving Paris and Berlin in decades, which will use DB's ICE3 sets.

Paris-Est 09:55 - Berlin Hbf 18:03
Berlin Hbf 11:54 - Paris-Est 19:55 around eight hours in total, calling at Strasbourg, Karlsruhe and Frankfurt. Prices will be €59 in second class, and €69 in first class.
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The great pedestrian extinction

No.2028539 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone else noticed that post-covid, pedestrian density has dropped massively? Walking around downtown now feels like I'm playing GTA3 for PlayStation 2, and if you move off the beaten path, humans (beyond occasional delivery guy buzzing by) cease to exist entirely. Number of cars doesn't seem to have gone down though, anectotally it even seems that there are more traffic jams now. What gives? How do we get people to walk again?
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Jeb Brooks is /ouravgeek/

No.2029432 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Jeb Brooks is basically the leader of the internet AvGeek community

His YouTube videos on airlines are phenomenal, and he doesn't get paid by airlines to post AvGeek content like Sam Chui. Jeb's desire for aviation knows no bounds

No.2023765 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ironic. In cities with no nighttime transit, first and last shift bus and tram and train drivers cannot commute to their work by mass transit (unless the company launches a pickup bus service for them)
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No.2019989 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What do you think about the new plan to tunnel under the 401 highway in Toronto?

They want to build trains and additional express lanes underneath along a stretch of about 40km of an 15-20 lane highway

Over 500,000 vehicles use this stretch of road per day
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