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Threads by latest replies - Page 33

Eglinton Crosstown

No.2028197 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
After almost 15 years, the Eglinton Crosstown LRT is nearing completion. Earliest date being 1st of June, 2025. Thus, 2026 is the reasonable timeframe.

Poll: Where do /n/erds live?

No.2026016 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Urban or rural?

Defining terms:
--Inner urban: every building is 4+ stories
--Outer urban: Like dense suburbs, street parking (if available) is always parked out or requires tickets/permits
--Suburbs: Developed areas where you can drive and be 100% certain free parking will be available at or near your destination
--Semi-rural: Outskirts of a larger city, blocks are far bigger than residential lots but not big enough for large scale commercial farming
==Rural: Small towns or farmland
--Buttfuckistan: Australian outback tier, the nearest fuel station is 110 km away and it's a busy day when it gets 2 customers in the same hour
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No.2024358 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can anyone explain why this is wrong, or why it isn't done more often?
>doesn't actually remove parking lane
>any place with sufficient off-street parking keeps the parking lane mostly clear anyway
>prevents bike lanes from effectively being in the gutter
The only thing I can think of is the possibility of getting doored.
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Bicycle stationary stands

No.2024673 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Winter is coming. What is your experience with picrel, /n/? (It's hard to find reviews online that aren't just bait for Amazon affiliate links, and of course Amazon reviews themselves are often sus). Any particular brands/models you've had success with? From what I gather one of the main general issues is noise.
18 posts and 3 images omitted

/pybt/ - Post Your Bike Thread

No.2018643 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post Your Bike Thread
Frenly Fall Edition

Previous Edition
321 posts and 98 images omitted

Would any aircraft mechanics here recommend their job?

No.2027091 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How hard is it to learn?

Is there any way to get into it faster than by going back to school for two years?

How are work-life balance and benefits?

How's job security?

I just want something that doesn't involve sitting in front of a screen and dealing with bitchy women.

And a 4 on 3 off 3 on 4 off work schedule sounds good to me.
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America will never be bike centric

No.2028071 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
He's right about everything and its not just bikes, It's everything especially with the recent CEO killing.

It's bad healthcare with no sick people dying
It's no homes because rich people are greedy and evil
It's non existent infrastructure for bikes(despite giving the rest of the world hundreds of billions in aid, they can't spend a couple million in each city to setup concrete sidewalks

Sadly americans can't leave. We literally can't leave the US passport doesn't do shit. We can't escape to the netherlands, unless you have like 250k USD maybe but still thats a lot.
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