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Threads by latest replies - Page 35

No.2027464 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Thoughts? Concerns? I think Canada should install more bike lanes because only fatties need to drive. You want less traffic? Take a fucking bike.
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/bqg/ - Bike Questions General

No.2024321 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Super Big Fork edition

RJ the bike guy on youtube
Previous thread: >>2020978
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No.2027614 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can you do this on your bicycle?

Amtrak venture

No.2026198 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Has anyone here ridden aboard the Amtrak Venture cars? Are the seats as bad as they look?
The Amfleets were so comfy. This shit looks like coach on a plane.
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No.2027660 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fantastic news for public transit in NYC specifically and the USA in general

No.2024155 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone following the Nashville transit referendum?
Nashville’s seen incredible growth the last decade but has basically zero transit (and not even an Amtrak route) and terrible traffic. Transit is the most obvious dollar-for-dollar improvement you can make for residents there.
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No.2019928 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Conservatively estimating the US has spent around $20T on cars, fuel for cars and car related infrastructure, mostly on fuel for cars which only contributes to (making the car move, drill baby drill, and pollution (used to be lead pollution too) )
A similar estimate, but over a longer period of time puts trains at $2T, their fuel nowadays is electricity, which can be clean, but also creates infrastructure that contributes to society.

This estimate doesn't include private capital (aside from buying passes/tickets/gas, but I can assure you that it only puts the gap MUCH wider)

Isn't it time we give up on the frankly silly idea that everyone needs their own personal asphalt eating tank? I'm not saying you have to live in the city, i'm just saying a tram (for the disabled) to the market from a suburb or a simple direct, tree covered, bike way is more than enough.
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bike wrench general

No.2010595 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I didn't see one or something similar in the catalog so here we are and I need help.

I had my chain skipping in the hardest gears on my road bike, 10speed cassette and double crank, which I don't normally ride in. But no issues otherwise
So I thought maybe my chain was to blame but never measures and don't have the tools for that anyways. I bought a new chain and now it starts to skip on the front sprocket.
Now I'm starting to wonder if I have worn out both the front large sprocket and the middle of the cassette to the point I just need to replace all of it... thats a little pricey and I'm cheap.
How should I proceed in trouble shooting this?

thanks in advance
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No.2017771 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If fucking on a plane gets you into the mile high club, where does fucking on a greyhound get you?
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No.2026428 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What city besides NYC has the best transit system in the US?
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