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Threads by latest replies - Page 40
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Why is it so hard to find physical copies of Christopher Awdry's Railway Series books? No publisher has re-released any of his work on The Railway Series in recent years. A good example of this is book #42: Thomas and His Friends, the finale to The Railway Series and published in 2011. It was released not long ago and getting a copy of this book can cost you hundreds of dollars, it's mind boggling to me.
>>2025844 this place is less fun when it tries to be /pol/
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>>2025829 Not realizing that trains extend beyond the sides of the tracks a little. To be fair it happens everywhere, a woman in Mexico was killed trying to take a selfie with the Canadian Pacific 2816 in the same way. There's a webm somewhere of it hitting her in the back of the head and someone dragging her limp body back to a safe area.
>>2025939 don't be on such a hairtrigger anon. Show trollability and you should expect an entire overloaded trainload of that shit coming your way.
What's the worse you've ever pissed off a driver whilst on your bike?>top of a hill >4 way stop 1/2 way down >time my approach so I can just run through >Driver has to slam on his brakes >Chased me down the road for good km or so >act oblivious and turn into a mtn bike trail and escape
Bicyclists who take their hobby on a roadway should be shot
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>>2025964 I pay taxes, too, buddy.
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>>2025964 they're not a bicyclist though they're just a regular guy who happens to be on a bike
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>My town stopped enforcement of traffic laws for bicycles >I am lane splitting in city blocks on a one way >Shoot ahead before the light change in front of a douchebag camaro >I'm all over the place but theres no reason not to be >My cager rager radar detector is going off >I'm taking the lane and I hear him accelerating, gets close enough to hear him yelling >I swerve left and lane split while he lays on his brakes hard >I stop at the red ahead of his blocker and wait >:) >I jump out ahead as usual, pumping hard. >The blocker behind me turns away >He's accelerating to catch me, and comes up fast >Crosswalk is turning red, peds and cars are entering, I know I could shoot it >I pull far to the curb and put my foot down >He flies through the red, past peds in cross walk >I catch my breath watch him go, and wait for the light >pump hard and pass him again
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>>2025953 >>Driver has to slam on his brakes You were probably both going too fast. You should both be given a timeout from being allowed in traffic unsupervised, and put back into kindergarten to learn common traffic sense together with the other children.
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Literally scrapped because of a refrigerator.
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>>2025779 I recall the history of it being that the court order allowed Metra to scrap it, not move it. The reasoning being that it wasn't moveable on its own wheels without major work, so the court limited them to scraping it on site.
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>>2025780 Hi-levels and viewliners are, ostensibly bi-level coaches, correct? Though they only appear to have windows on the upper deck.... so whats going on on the bottom deck?
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>>2024120 Those huge tenders are so cool. It's like a big shed rolling around.
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>>2024842 Probably a lightweight alloy instead of plain steel
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this piece of shit right here got fucked over in the worst way possible>was preserved at the san francisco zoo until the early 1980s> >was used as FUCKING playground equipment of all things.> >that combined with being welded to the rails+exposure to the salty ocean air caused it to deteriorate>
Too soon... I know it has only been a few short years, but they were the last carrier in the U.S that was good. Anyone else feel the same about Continental or some other airline?
>>2024002 Fair enough, most of the flights we took were domestic or to the U.K so that makes sense why we avoided Northwest. I am guessing this was mostly done on DC-9s. I never had a chance to fly on one, but I always wanted to. I might go on a Delta flight on a 717 next year just to see what the passenger experience on this shirt of aircraft is like.
>>2024003 You should try one leg in first class and another in coach by the engines in the back, it's a really interesting experience to see how different the cabin noise is
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>>2024004 Alright, I will, of I can afford it... It is a 45 minute flight from my local airport to ATL, so it should be rather cheap.
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Delta and United seem fine , never had issues
I'm interviewing for a job in the transit information center for a mid tier public transit system in a b tier city. What am I in for? Pic related; it's me working in the call center
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Forgot to mention, It's in the USA.
>>2025901 this is a slow board take your ebullying somewhere else
imagine how lame OP is to be shitting on someone else for wanting to have a job. What a fucking loser.
The kid in the pic looks white. I'd hire him an an MTA in two seconds.
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>>2025930 What? I am asking because I want a job. I am curious if anyone here has any insight about working these types of jobs. I can't exactly go into the interview asking "tell me about the bullshit I'll have to deal with in this job."
No idea why you think I'm bullying or trolling.
Also, I know it's a slow board.
Hoverboards/monowheels is now often banned on sidewalks, bike lanes and roads at the same time in many jurisdictions, making it useless. What should be the regulation for these vehicles? And how do we mobilize the public to get the laws changed?
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>>2025898 >And how do we mobilize the public to get the laws changed? >>>/pol/ >>>/toy/
Days are getting shorter, here is your last chance to ride a century in a comfy autumn setting, are you prepared? I will be bringing plenty of food this time.
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>>2023177 impressive work anon
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>>2019427 lol did you estimate it as the crow flies?
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>>2021597 >60 days per year bro sort it out, 20 a year is a better target, once a month plus some special occasions
>>2019383 Did two this fall. First was a very long group ride and I got done 170 miles at a pace of about 12mph avg. Lots of stop time though for meals and chilling. Great vibes even though I was spacing out 10 hours in at 5am. Sunrise makes all the difference.
The second was tougher. 12.7mph pace but banged out 114 miles with only about 90min so stopping over the day. Thighs were feeling it that night. I think I'll manage another metric or something on a random weekday this coming month, I really don't mind riding in pre-dawn and into the evening. It's less about having daylight and more about having the day free to do it. All of my centuries have also been on the touring rig with big tires and low gearing too so that didn't do me any favors. I really want to spend a day on either my road or quasi-rando bike just crushing pavement, I suspect I could probably bang out a metric with a long lunch stop and still be under 6 hrs. It really tests your bike fit too.
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>>2025872 Surely a metric can be done fairly easily with a 2 hour ride, 45 min lunch and then a 2hr 15 ride to finish in 5 hours
>Hurry up a/n/on! Don't tell me you are afraid of riding on the dirt? How does /n/ reply?
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Eat my dust! zwooom
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>>2025863 that fender doesn't look adequate, let me check under that tiny little skirt to see if I can find any dirt...
*gropes you between the legs*
oh no! what do we have here!
*sticks penis in your bussy*
ahh yes, a girl!
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Helmet bros... Our response???
Hiroshima said so At the moment, 18 threads in the catalog are about cars, /pol/ shit, or otherwise just generally have nothing to do with transportation. And they are the most active threads. It was never ideal, but how did this board get so bad?
>>2025740 >How dare you discussing things that affect your life in a place dedicated to things that make or not make it possible. How about No
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>>2025840 >that affect your life but it doesn't, all the /pol/posters (you) live in the burbs and drive everywhere
i dislike that anon that says 'gaspipe BSO' but i didnt make a thread whining about it like a little bitch
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>>2025845 I think he's a great guy personally. what did he ever do to you?
If shimomo and fookin sram and campy and rotor all stepped up and offered, tomorrow, a 14 speed wireless groupset at the red/DA/super record level, with top tier everything including power meter finishing, weight, materials, variable length LOOK Zed style cranks 165-172.5mm, and also offered a 13 speed where literally the only difference was that it was about $1000 cheaper and also the 11 cog was locked out by DRM in the firmware but you could upgrade at any time by forking out the upgrade fee, would you? I would, and I wouldn't even be mad. Stallman is a funny guy but really it's just a tool. Fight me.
>>2025168 Shitmano would have to pay me to ride disc
>>2025239 Ummm
>>2025388 This
>I *NEED* MORE no, you don't
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>>2025612 Yes i actually do. You also need the maximum range to keep up in the pro peloton.
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>>2025611 you'll be singing a different tune when hydro disc finally becomes affordable enough for your $500 walmart bikes
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>>2025612 Ultegra is definitely overkill for me. I'm dubious about barcons though; I like my brifters.