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Threads by latest replies - Page 40

No.2025515 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is it so hard to find physical copies of Christopher Awdry's Railway Series books? No publisher has re-released any of his work on The Railway Series in recent years. A good example of this is book #42: Thomas and His Friends, the finale to The Railway Series and published in 2011. It was released not long ago and getting a copy of this book can cost you hundreds of dollars, it's mind boggling to me.
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No.2025953 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's the worse you've ever pissed off a driver whilst on your bike?

>top of a hill
>4 way stop 1/2 way down
>time my approach so I can just run through
>Driver has to slam on his brakes
>Chased me down the road for good km or so
>act oblivious and turn into a mtn bike trail and escape
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ITT: Locomotives that left us too soon.

No.2017281 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Literally scrapped because of a refrigerator.
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No.2023995 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Too soon... I know it has only been a few short years, but they were the last carrier in the U.S that was good.

Anyone else feel the same about Continental or some other airline?
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No.2025901 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm interviewing for a job in the transit information center for a mid tier public transit system in a b tier city.

What am I in for?

Pic related; it's me working in the call center

No.2025898 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hoverboards/monowheels is now often banned on sidewalks, bike lanes and roads at the same time in many jurisdictions, making it useless. What should be the regulation for these vehicles?

And how do we mobilize the public to get the laws changed?

Ride a century thread

No.2019383 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Days are getting shorter, here is your last chance to ride a century in a comfy autumn setting, are you prepared? I will be bringing plenty of food this time.
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No.2025863 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Hurry up a/n/on! Don't tell me you are afraid of riding on the dirt?

How does /n/ reply?

1 meta thread allowed

No.2025740 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hiroshima said so

At the moment, 18 threads in the catalog are about cars, /pol/ shit, or otherwise just generally have nothing to do with transportation. And they are the most active threads.

It was never ideal, but how did this board get so bad?
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No.2025168 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If shimomo and fookin sram and campy and rotor all stepped up and offered, tomorrow, a 14 speed wireless groupset at the red/DA/super record level, with top tier everything including power meter finishing, weight, materials, variable length LOOK Zed style cranks 165-172.5mm, and also offered a 13 speed where literally the only difference was that it was about $1000 cheaper and also the 11 cog was locked out by DRM in the firmware but you could upgrade at any time by forking out the upgrade fee, would you? I would, and I wouldn't even be mad. Stallman is a funny guy but really it's just a tool. Fight me.
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