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Hoverboards/monowheels is now often banned on sidewalks, bike lanes and roads at the same time in many jurisdictions, making it useless. What should be the regulation for these vehicles? And how do we mobilize the public to get the laws changed?
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>>2025898 >And how do we mobilize the public to get the laws changed? >>>/pol/ >>>/toy/
Days are getting shorter, here is your last chance to ride a century in a comfy autumn setting, are you prepared? I will be bringing plenty of food this time.
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>>2023177 impressive work anon
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>>2019427 lol did you estimate it as the crow flies?
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>>2021597 >60 days per year bro sort it out, 20 a year is a better target, once a month plus some special occasions
>>2019383 Did two this fall. First was a very long group ride and I got done 170 miles at a pace of about 12mph avg. Lots of stop time though for meals and chilling. Great vibes even though I was spacing out 10 hours in at 5am. Sunrise makes all the difference.
The second was tougher. 12.7mph pace but banged out 114 miles with only about 90min so stopping over the day. Thighs were feeling it that night. I think I'll manage another metric or something on a random weekday this coming month, I really don't mind riding in pre-dawn and into the evening. It's less about having daylight and more about having the day free to do it. All of my centuries have also been on the touring rig with big tires and low gearing too so that didn't do me any favors. I really want to spend a day on either my road or quasi-rando bike just crushing pavement, I suspect I could probably bang out a metric with a long lunch stop and still be under 6 hrs. It really tests your bike fit too.
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>>2025872 Surely a metric can be done fairly easily with a 2 hour ride, 45 min lunch and then a 2hr 15 ride to finish in 5 hours
>Hurry up a/n/on! Don't tell me you are afraid of riding on the dirt? How does /n/ reply?
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Eat my dust! zwooom
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>>2025863 that fender doesn't look adequate, let me check under that tiny little skirt to see if I can find any dirt...
*gropes you between the legs*
oh no! what do we have here!
*sticks penis in your bussy*
ahh yes, a girl!
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Helmet bros... Our response???
Hiroshima said so At the moment, 18 threads in the catalog are about cars, /pol/ shit, or otherwise just generally have nothing to do with transportation. And they are the most active threads. It was never ideal, but how did this board get so bad?
>>2025740 >How dare you discussing things that affect your life in a place dedicated to things that make or not make it possible. How about No
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>>2025840 >that affect your life but it doesn't, all the /pol/posters (you) live in the burbs and drive everywhere
i dislike that anon that says 'gaspipe BSO' but i didnt make a thread whining about it like a little bitch
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>>2025845 I think he's a great guy personally. what did he ever do to you?
If shimomo and fookin sram and campy and rotor all stepped up and offered, tomorrow, a 14 speed wireless groupset at the red/DA/super record level, with top tier everything including power meter finishing, weight, materials, variable length LOOK Zed style cranks 165-172.5mm, and also offered a 13 speed where literally the only difference was that it was about $1000 cheaper and also the 11 cog was locked out by DRM in the firmware but you could upgrade at any time by forking out the upgrade fee, would you? I would, and I wouldn't even be mad. Stallman is a funny guy but really it's just a tool. Fight me.
>>2025168 Shitmano would have to pay me to ride disc
>>2025239 Ummm
>>2025388 This
>I *NEED* MORE no, you don't
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>>2025612 Yes i actually do. You also need the maximum range to keep up in the pro peloton.
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>>2025611 you'll be singing a different tune when hydro disc finally becomes affordable enough for your $500 walmart bikes
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>>2025612 Ultegra is definitely overkill for me. I'm dubious about barcons though; I like my brifters.
It's interesting how the people who are most interested in pushing the "lawless subways" narrative don't live anywhere near the city, isn't it?
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>>2024786 more likely it was a stupid public poll emailed to all workers and someone posted a link on facebook
>>2024782 >everyone who wants to raise kids leaves the city >n-no it’s not because of dangerous blacks on the subway Grow up
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>>2025726 Americans live in full denial about everything
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I am not afraid riding the subway at night but I am often disgusted.
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>>2024782 This also applies to the people pushing against it.
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How fucked are /n/erds at a federal level now?
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>>2025683 >he did nothing about public transport infrastructure. ??????
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>>2025683 That depends on what you mean by "infrastructure" but I know words like "sustainable", "communities", "equitable", and such, cause you to burst into treats, so you probably didn't read it
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Probably just the average in corruption
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>>2025683 Woah that’s a lot of schizophrenia. I never posted anything “liberal,” I just pointed out that Republicans hate transparency. Also the Biden administration funded public transit, and undid much of the damage Trump incurred to our transit grants.
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And we have a nominee... and I have no clue who this dude is or what his plan is.
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I guess it's worth saving
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>>2008570 >gore posting on /n/ Anonymous
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Thumbnails ITT using are fucked and jannies are too busy dilating over their new NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NӏGGER filter to fix it.
So could these things provide any utility in the future or is the idea of a car with legs just a sci fi meme?
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>>2015605 >So could these things provide any utility in the future or is the idea of a car with legs just a sci fi meme? Yeah i don't like memeing around diff locks.
>>2015672 i tried looking but what is that machine called?
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>>2015605 my grandpa had one of these when i was a kid, i was certain walking vehicles would be everywhere when i grew up
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I seen a video of a little robot on gif and it cruises around legs with wheels for feet but if it needs to walk it just puts the brakes on and can walk and climb stuff
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Why does this opinion always piss people off
>>2024817 Yeah, because multi-racial solidarity is a way more powerful way to achieve an outcome than appealing to humanity's natural tribalism. I really don't get leftists who say they want walkable cities, accountable governments, UBI, all that jazz, and then go and advocate for policies that will make all those goals substantially harder.
Is it really just because tribalism make you feel icky? Is your dream of a multi-racial society working together despite tribalism really worth more than all of your other ideas?
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>>2025598 >I really don't get leftists who say they want walkable cities, accountable governments, UBI, all that jazz, and then go and advocate for policies that will make all those goals substantially harder. It's because leftism is a self-destructive ideology for the mentally ill to feel good about themselves as they destroy their host country and install an oppressive totalitarian government that puts them into labor camps and works them to death.
Imagine a site wide enforcement of 'racism outside of /b/' Not only would every board be exponentially better it would be fucking hilarious for months. But the retarded gook who destroyed it all cannot even conceptualise such a thing.
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>>2025671 You have to go back
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>>2025671 >using the racism outside /b/ option good way to get banned, all it does is piss off the janny who then goes through all your other posts to find a pretext to ban for off topic or "trolling" (which means whatever they want it to mean)