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Threads by latest replies - Page 42

We fix transportation for good.

No.2023238 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A token system:
>A person buys ~10 tokens
>Can use 1 token for bike, 2 for bus, 3 for train and/or 4 for short term ride sharing
>Now people have an incentive to use buses/trains/bikes, but also have something cheap for last mile.
You're welcome.
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No.2022399 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Such a simple argument from reddit but it BTFOs any right winger on this board. Uncanny.
>Nooo, le heckin bunker troon
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Why are cyclists so disrespectful to pedestrians?

No.2025203 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I don't drive or cycle, I'm just a simple pedestrian, but in my whole life I've always been harassed or disrespected by cyclists riding on the sidewalk.

When I walk in front of a car, they will always stop, even if they honk, they won't try to harm me.

A cyclist on the other hand never tries to ride around me, they always seem to expect for me, a pedestrian, on a sidewalk, to either get out of their way or stay completely immobile.

Not a single driver called me names, but more than once I had a cyclist call me a moron or a loser
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No.2010812 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post your most hated roads
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No.2025053 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be kid in middle school
>want to get some snacks
>walk down the street
>cops arrest mom

Many such cases.
America is an utter joke.
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No.2025150 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How the fuck did the Chinese managed to develop cities that are home to 30+M people with all the infrastructure necessary for it to function and in the west we can't even sort out the housing crisis?
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Can you give me your honest opinion on if this is a deal or not?

No.2025383 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I used to be a really avid cyclist around a decade ago, and I’m interested in getting back into it. I really loved my old fixe, and I was looking for something cheap but worth it to help get me back into cycling again. I’ve never used AliExpress before, so I don’t know- you tell me. What’s your assessment?

No.2021167 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
is this true /n/ ?
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No.2020455 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What makes bikes better than scooters?
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