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Republican VP Nominee, J.D. Vance Repeatably said Trump Is a Sexual Predator

No.1319848 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

A new report from CNN reveals more evidence that Trump vice presidential pick J.D. Vance once believed accusations of sexual assault against his running mate.

Earlier this month, Mediaite reported that, in a 2016 MSNBC appearance, Vance said he believed Jessica Leeds’s accusation that Trump groped her. Sarcastically noting Trump’s tendency to lie, he said, “This is sort of he said/she said, right? And at the end of the day, do you believe Donald Trump who always tells the truth? Just kidding, or do you believe that woman on the tape?”

On Tuesday, CNN reported that Vance repeatedly expressed similar sentiments online.

In October 2016, after the Access Hollywood tapes were released, Vance tweeted a since-deleted post asking, “What percentage of the American population has @realDonaldTrump sexually assaulted?”

Vance also reportedly liked tweets that read, “Maybe the Central Park 5 could take out a full-page ad to condemn the coddling of thug real estate barons who commit serial sexual assault,” and, “I wish there was a 2nd Vice Presidential debate just to see [Mike Pence] deny that Trump said he grabbed p*ssy.”

On Facebook, he shared a Washington Post op-ed by a Southern Baptist Convention leader, who condemned conservative religious leaders’ support of then-presidential candidate Trump “following the disclosure of his sexually predatory recorded comments.” Vance posted an excerpt of the article that read, in part, “[Trump] has reaffirmed who he is over and over again, even during this campaign—from misogynistic statements to racist invective to crazed conspiracy theorizing.”

The unearthed social media activity—piling atop a mountain of examples of Vance once railing against his current running mate—has fueled ongoing conversations questioning his convictions and speculating that Trump may be regretting his vice presidential pick.
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poll, harris is getting her dick kicked in on the economy

No.1320185 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>top kek at harris being underwater on the only thing that matters

Man accused of stabbing transgender teen 18 times at Miami airport

No.1320229 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A man accused of stabbing a transgender 17-year-old girl with a butcher knife at Miami International Airport on Sunday was arrested and charged with attempted murder, police said.

Alexander Love, 29, was charged with first-degree attempted murder with a deadly weapon and attempted premeditated murder, according to an arrest report from the Miami-Dade Police Department.

Officers responded to Terminal J around 11:30 p.m. after reports of a stabbing, officials said in a news release. The victim was eating a meal while sitting on the floor when, officials say, Love attacked her without provocation, stabbing her about 18 times in her face, head, arms, shoulders, neck and legs before he tried to throw her over a safety retaining glass, officials said.

"The victim was able to escape the attack and ran down the stairs to the third-floor level, which is where the officers found her," police said.

She was taken to a local medical center in critical condition and had emergency surgery, officials said. Her condition Tuesday afternoon was not available.

Love was taken into custody shortly after the attack by Customs and Border Patrol, the arrest report says. Officials said that at the police station, Love admitted to being involved in the attack and said he had become acquainted with the victim beforehand.

"The defendant added he was possibly drugged and someone inserted an unknown object in his rectum," the report says. "Although the defendant is not certain the victim is responsible for this, the defendant made a statement indicating he needed to hurt whoever hurt him and was prompted to purchase the knife at a Target store near Miami International Airport."

Police said they recovered a knife from the scene.

Love was booked into the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center, according to online records. It's not clear whether he has an attorney.
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Trump picks BlackRock's Larry Fink for Treasury Secretary

No.1319134 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
"Donald Trump has aligned himself with yet another active player in the crypto industry. Larry Fink, the founder of BlackRock."
"Trump has chosen Larry as his pick for US Treasury Secretary. This might sound like an odd match since Larry is something of a leftie, but the two have a history together, and they share a mutual respect that has grown over the years."
"Last week, there was rumors that Trump was considering JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon, but reports say it’s really Larry who has been Trump’s go-to guy for economic advice. This partnership goes back to when BlackRock managed Trump’s investment portfolio. "
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ubisoft apologizes to japan for game about fictional black samurai brutalizing asian men

No.1320187 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Establishment GOP to Foot Soldiers:Kindly Stop Being Racist Online.

No.1320270 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
House GOP leaders urge members: Stop making race comments about Harris
Leadership warned lawmakers during a closed-door meeting to focus on the vice president’s record, not her race.

House Republican leaders told lawmakers to focus on criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris’ record without reference to her race and gender, following caustic remarks from some Republicans attacking her on the basis of identity.

During a closed-door meeting Tuesday morning, chair of the House GOP campaign arm Richard Hudson (R-N.C.) and others issued the warning after a series of comments by their members that focused on Harris’ race as well as claims she is a “DEI” pick, according to two people in the room.

In the 48 hours since President Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race, Republican leaders have tried to train their criticism of the presumptive Democratic nominee on her handling of the border and her plan to skip Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before Congress.

But several Republicans immediately took the criticism in a different direction. Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) said Monday that Harris was a “DEI vice president” and Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-Wis.) over the weekend questioned if Democrats are sticking by her “because of her ethnic background.” If nominated, Harris would be the first Black and South Asian woman to be a major party nominee.

This should not be about personalities. It should be about policy. And we have a record to compare,” Speaker Mike Johnson told POLITICO as he left the Tuesday meeting, saying Harris would have to answer for Biden’s record. “This has nothing to do with race. It has to do with the competence of the person running for president, the relative strength of the two candidates and what ideas they have on how to solve America’s problems. And I think in that comparison, we’ll win in a landslide.”
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Trump suggested people with disabilities ‘should just die,’ nephew reveals in memoir

No.1320461 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fred Trump III writes that his uncle, Donald Trump, made the shocking suggestion during an Oval Office meeting in May 2020.

During a private meeting at the outset of the Covid-19 pandemic, then-president Donald Trump reportedly mused aloud about whether people with disabilities would be better off dead instead of causing more expenses for their caregivers.

The shocking remark is included in a new book, All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way, by the former president’s nephew, Fred Trump III, who makes other startling claims about his uncle.

According to an excerpt of the book published by Time, Fred Trump III — the brother of psychologist and author Mary Trump and the eldest son of Donald Trump’s late older brother, Fred Trump Jr. — claims his uncle made the offensive remark during a private meeting in May 2020.

Fred Trump III writes that he, then-President Trump, then-Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and White House Covid Task Force member Dr. Brett Giroir, along with other disability rights advocates, spent 45 minutes discussing the needs of people with disabilities at the White House.

Following the White House meeting, Fred Trump III said he was ushered back into the Oval Office with his uncle and Azar at Donald Trump’s request.

His uncle greeted him: “Hey, pal — how’s everything going?”

Fred Trump III told him things were “good” and thanked him for meeting.

At that point, he writes that his uncle started to speak again.

“Those people ...” he said, trailing off. “The shape they’re in, all the expenses, maybe those kinds of people should just die,” he suggested, according to the book.
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Biden's exit makes Trump the oldest nominee in U.S. history

No.1318986 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
President Biden's endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic nomination could defuse the age question dogging the Democrats: Harris will be 60 on Inauguration Day — 22 years younger than Biden.

Why it matters: Concerns over Biden's age and mental fitness were central to calls for his replacement as the Democratic nominee. Trump, at 78, becomes the oldest nominee in U.S. history if Harris or someone else younger than Trump succeeds Biden atop the Democratic ticket.

Reality check: Twelve U.S. presidents were 60 or older at the time of their inauguration.

Biden and Trump were the only presidents older than 70 at the start of their terms.
Catch up quick: Biden's performance during the first presidential debate against Trump on June 27 led to calls from constituents and politicians for him to step down.

Zoom out: All three branches of federal government have prompted conversations about America's gerontocracy.

The 118th Congress, one of the oldest in U.S. history, drove debates last year about term limits and fitness for office.
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) stepped aside in 2022, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced he'd retire as the head of Senate Republicans following the 2024 election.
On the Supreme Court, 74% of Americans favor a maximum age limit for justices, according to Pew polling from last year.

Former Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer signaled support for age and term limits in March.
He said it would have helped him avoid "going through difficult decisions" in deciding whether to retire in 2022 as the oldest member of the court at the time.
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Corporate Plot

No.1320524 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
U.S.A. election politics here.
Pol seems to be running at a million miles per second, and my thread went to pg10 in 10 seconds flat, so this will go here. It should be just as relevant. Anyway...
The U.S. gov, including both of its parties, are designed to be as confusing as possible. I'd say since before 2016.

Both parties are rampant with hypocrisy over corporate interests, and sometimes just saying stupid shit to piss off voters for another party and create further division. He did not divide us, it was the ones pulling the strings in the background! Such as putting third trimester abortions in the spotlight, or talking about women who want to "abort" children they just birthed. That's right. That shit didn't even happen in the U.S.. It was part of a policy Canada was working on, and I don't even think it went through, so it was wholly irrelevant to U.S. pol. And yet, the left were talking about it in the news media anyway. It's like they were planted, glowing, even. The left does this with gun rights, too, yes, I am insinuating that there are planted shootings, as dangerous as that can be. Trump got shot but the secret service could have shot the shooter first. You all probably know that story by now.

Both sides like to kill off their opponents, and all of them work towards achieving just one thing, making money for their corpos. Trump himself is possibly the only independent factor, since he pretty much just acts for his own interests, but man, the right sure does love to lose when it's trying to take away abortion rights federally. Almost like trying that is inherently unconstitutional, and won't get voted in. They were lucky that it got put up to the states.

There are numerous articles I could mention here, but I'll put this one down instead.

Kamala breaks presidential fundraising record in one day

No.1319625 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Democrats have poured $81m (£62m) in donations into Vice-President Kamala Harris' presidential campaign since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race on Sunday.

It is the largest 24-hour period of campaign funding in presidential history with more than 888,000 donors making contributions of less than $200 in the day after Mr Biden stepped aside.

“Grassroots supporters are energized and excited to support her as the Democratic nominee,” ActBlue, the progressive donation platform, said on X.

Donors who had pulled back their funding over concerns about Mr Biden’s age say they now intend to resume their support for the party.

The party raised over $27.5m in the first five hours of Ms Harris’ presidential campaign. That number nearly doubled by the end of the day. In 24 hours, the sum broke a presidential fundraising record.

The new funds mark a significant turn for the Democratic party, which had seen support erode from major donors after Mr Biden’s poor performance in June’s presidential debate against Donald Trump.

Grassroots funding from small donors had also diminished, according to Biden campaign insiders cited in US media.

But soon after Mr Biden’s announcement to drop out of the race and his endorsement of Ms Harris’ bid for the White House, Democrats went online to contribute at a startling pace.

Win With Black Women, a group of black women leaders, held a Zoom call with more than 44,000 participants on Sunday night to throw their support behind the vice-president.
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