Oh, and one more thing before I go:
>>128392The most important part to achieving a goal is not your actions.
They matter a lot, but your intention is actually what gives you the power to do it and what matters the most in the grander scheme.
Try and journal about your goal as if it already happened, let's say from a month in the future after it happened, or a day, or a year - all of them if you will -
Have future you tell you how awesomely you did doing what you did and how much she loves you and thanks you for taking care of yourself, or any goal you might have.
Another tip I would have is try to see if you can find, in any laziness or pain, something that you can learn.
Or if you have any obstacles overall, can you make them into an opportunity?
Note that it's okay if you can't figure out how right now for anything.
Also, one more song you might enjoy.
https://youtu.be/bBfK-vGygvk?feature=shared&t=165You know, I feel like saying this too, if you feel like this is an interesting encounter, remember to sing praises to God for it.
I am someone that hopes to change the way Education and the virtual world work, so I get best the - beauty - of failure and success.