Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.

let's see what kind of images /vip/ saves

!!+BhVj0FRlGa No.128911 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
scroll to a random part of your download folder, hit the first image you see and post results.
please and thank you.
1 post omitted

No.128084 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

No.94769 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You can only make ONE post in this thread a month. Let's see if we can make it to 2021!
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Super Mario /v/orld

No.126968 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.128793 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Which board has the worst jannies?

For me it's /tv/
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Evil beyond imagining

No.117079 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The U.S. Government is one of the most evil entities ever to exist. They stage things like 9/11 and mass shootings to make it easier to take away our guns.
Imagine what evils they will unleash once we are sufficiently disarmed.
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The Quiet Terror - Zersetzung

No.127869 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Guideline 1/76, "On the Development and Handling of Operational Cases"

>The German word Zersetzung can be variously translated into English as corrosion, decomposition, breakdown, disintegration, annihilation, demoralization, undermining, or subversion. Zersetzung measures were aimed at opposition groups or individuals and used psychological manipulation on an individual or group basis in an effort to influence attitudes and convictions, with the ultimate aim of limiting or eliminating the effectiveness of dissidents. Guideline 1/76 lists a range of specific methods for "corroding" a target: discrediting his or her public image; orchestrating professional failures or problems in his or her social sphere; undermining convictions and sowing doubts about his or her personal perspectives; setting up personal rivalries and mutual suspicions in groups; assigning a remote job; circulating compromising photos, letters, telegrams or similar material; spreading malicious rumors (...) All of these measures were conducted covertly so as to keep State Security off the map, unlike its intentional displays of power. These undercover activities could be combined with official measures, however, if it meant the difference between success and failure - temporary arrests, interrogations, and warnings, as well as psychological terror in the form of violence or threats.

>-The History of the Stasi
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No.128069 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I was banned from /tv/ for posting about a TV show.

Fucking haters.


No.126624 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>have a pass since 2016
>getting banned for absolutely random shit
>posts that clearly don't break the rules and would never have triggered bans for most users
>mods on IRC are justifying my bans on the fact that I have 80+ bans in my record
>despite the fact these 80+ bans were accrued over 8 years
>and most of the later bans happened because "lol you already have a bunch of bans in your history so you should have been more careful"

Okay what the fuck? Can we talk about this?

The pass keeps your 4chan history in sync. It makes bans pile up. Eventually mods will start having less tolerance with you, and this will lead to even more bans (which only reinforces their bias against you)

In my opinion this system AT THE VERY LEAST discourages people from renewing passes. But honestly it makes me feel like not having a pass at all.

A pass's ban history should either reset periodically or only show the past year's worth of bans (with more being discoverable by a website admin so they have a fallback if in-depth investigation is needed)

I don't have any hopes of changing the system but I just wanted to vent my frustrations since it's the 2nd time this year I'm unfairly banned for bullshit on the grounds of a long ban history and I don't know what the fuck I can do other than just nor renewing my pass.
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No.100247 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Everyone loves Yeji. Very true.
183 posts and 93 images omitted