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Threads by latest replies - Page 8

No.125011 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
67 posts and 5 images omitted

Super Mario /v/orld

No.126968 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
2 posts and 2 images omitted

No.127192 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
she fishe

Signal usernames

No.126573 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Signal will soon™ implement usernames. Meaning you'll be able to join groups without other members of the group seeing your phone number. You'll still need a phone number to register an account though. Do you think it will become bigger than telegram after they do so?

No.127488 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you cancel the order to cast mirage on a province it adds an item to your magic item treasury depending on what the target fortress type was.
Most significant is Crystal Citadel (dwarven hammer) but you can also get:
fire sword
ice sword
ice lance
halberd of might

Devs are being kikes about people reporting this so it's possibly getting fixed next patch. There's an open question about what other rituals might have bugs like this if this is how hackily and poorly put together their scripts are though.

No.125292 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey guys I'm gonna leave my wife in the bath please make sure she doesn't drown I'll be back in a bit.
2 posts omitted

$BBODEN- 23k mcap

No.127468 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
BabyBoden is here to make all babies happy!


Come join us in our Telegram community:

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BabyBoden Features:
Taxes: 0%
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No.127232 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Come have a seat, take a load off.

I finished my 4chan post generator and replier GPT

No.127475 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /vip/ bros, have you ever wished for a GPT that really gets the 4chan culture? Something that can sling memes, jokes, and even craft posts with the kind of edge and humor we appreciate here? Introducing ChanGPT - your go-to GPT for all things 4chan. Whether you're looking to debate, troll, or just shoot the shit in a way that feels right at home on our boards, ChanGPT has got you covered. It's like having a 4chan-in-a-box, ready to generate posts, responses, and even memes that feel like they were made by one of our own. And yes, it can generate images too, like this Pepe rocking a GPT shirt, just to show off its meme cred. Dive into the chaos and creativity that is ChanGPT. It's here to make our board experience even more legendary.

>tfw you realize GPTs can be one of us
Kek, welcome to the future, anons.

No.120716 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
67 posts and 18 images omitted