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Threads by latest replies - Page 9

/amg/ Army Men General - Stalking the twilight zone

No.11311947 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
66 posts and 51 images omitted

No.11312611 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Has anyone been to Wonder Festival before? I'm in Tokyo next month and I'm hoping to check it out. Can you buy exclusive toys and sell them for a profit?
39 posts and 10 images omitted

/lg/ - Lego General: Brown Edition

No.11323385 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
479 posts and 173 images omitted

No.11304269 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: forgotten and obscure toys and toy lines
86 posts and 36 images omitted

Spongebob Toys

No.11314600 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are the best Spongebob toys?
Kids meal toys are fine too.

I'm currently deciding between the nendo or the s7 ultimates.
22 posts and 6 images omitted

Identify this toy line.

No.11331323 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Trying to remember a toy line from the 2000s. They were offbrand transforming robot line, but I think they were more like a vehicle that was like a shell with a robot inside. Also iirc was from Playmates. Pic not related but I needed something.

NECA General: Paul You is A Wahrweulf

No.11304348 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread: >>11279846

In stores and online currently:
Universal Monsters Invisible Man (Kemp House)
Iron Maiden Future Past World Tour 2-pack
Puppet Master Leech Woman & Puppet Case
Nightmare Before Christmas Ultimates wave 1 (Jack, Sally, Mayor, Santa Jack)
Krampus, Der Klown
Ultimate Vincent Price
Rock & Roll ALF
Scorched Xenomorph (Alien Romulus)
Ultimate Jack Goodman and David Kessler 2-pack (American Werewolf in London)
Dracula (Hammer Horror of Dracula)
Ben Cooper wave 4 (Krampus, John Carver, Sam, Nosferatu, Captain Spaulding)
Hannibal Lecter (masked)
Ult. M3GAN
Retro cloth M3GAN
Count Orlok (Nosferatu, black and white)
Toony JB Fletcher (Murder She Wrote)
Toony Terrors Universal Monsters (Dracula, Frankenstein, Mummy, Wolfman)
TMNT Last Ronin "Battle Damaged" Ronin, Accessory Pack, Commando Synja Bot, Nightwatcher Leo, Mikey, Don
TMNT Movie Leonardo vs Shredder, Casey Jones & Dirt Bike
TMNT Mirage black and white First Sketch Turtles 2-pack
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Wonder Festival 2025 [Winter]

No.11329563 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why is this board so dead lately? There isn't even a WonFes thread. What happened?

Anyway. Some news has already leak, go to Hobby Dengeki for HD images over the next couple days.

Please post any other sites, or image you find that have reveals.
151 posts and 68 images omitted

/BST/ - Buy Sale Trade

No.11297303 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
-We have e-mails for a reason. USE THEM.
-Be sure to have PRICES (with photos preferably) in your SALE listings - NO "feeler" posts, just post the thing with a price.
-Ignore price-policing posts, as someone will ALWAYS complain. E-mail the seller and communicate accordingly if pricing is an issue.
-I'll save you the effort: check Mandarake, either for pricing (if selling), or for availability (if buying).
-Don't shit-talk buyers or sellers without evidence.

Previous thread:>>11268719
49 posts and 19 images omitted

No.11329421 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
There's always going be retards in any hobby, but it appears that in the toy community in particular, there is an overabundance. None of us have truly grown up, but at least we can tell the difference between a quality product and a turd wrapped sandwich, nostalgia lenses be damned. Not hating on mezco, I like the ghostface they recently released but it's clear to anyone that this figure looks like absolute ass. the soft goods are a size too big which gives an appearance of a long neck. The torso also doesn't look natural either. Despite the one sensible comment, we have multiple retards replying with zoomer talk like "it's clean" and fire emojis.

Is this the reason why super7 and Hasbro Legends are still around and domestic toys haven't evolved the same way imports did? Are the retards in the community holding evolution back? Do the majority actually have an underlying mental issue? Do you?
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