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Threads by latest replies - Page 24

No.2805486 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is your favorite seat or cushion that would fit in or on an 18 liter backpack?
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do you think its a good spot?

No.2805170 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ofcourse the full question is "is it a good spot afetr cleaning?", but i will take care of that.
as you see, there are arcs that let in natural light and at the same time it would be a nice neat spot for just chilling if i clean it and bring some furniture in.
i foun this spot yesterday in the neiborhood i was living in for 17 years. i dont wanna talk about it.

jokes aside i only lately started really searshing for an "art" spot where i could ponder the world.

tell me your opinions

Fishing & Tackle Thread

!ZNBx60Gj/k No.2795992 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
#518- “Santa Claws” Edition

Previous Thread:

janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

Talk about fishin
321 posts and 78 images omitted

Animal tracks. Post 'em

No.2805135 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Well /out/ what tracks have you recently found?
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No.2799018 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Humans were not meant to live in desert climates.
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How do I get initiated into mountainireeing?

No.2804879 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I wish to be able to climb some of the biggest mountains one day as I feel astounded by them. However to this day I have little to no experience on the topic. I am in good shape and I have done a fair amount of hiking, but I would like to learn about preparation and what to do during a big climb. Also how to progress from easy challenges to very high peaks.
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No.2804884 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are trout fishers so insufferable most of the time? I can't post pictures of trout I catch anywhere or all I'll get it "youre holding it wrong" "youre hands arent wet enough" "looking at a trout will kill it stop looking at it" or just other snarky comments about how Im doing something wrong or just being bitchy about nothing in particular. So much negativity, I dont get it. Fishing is supposed to be a chill hobby, but so many people wanna be snarky hall monitors about it
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No.2800211 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How real is it
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No.2799748 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've decided to hike by myself from now on, even if it kills me during these really cold winter months. I signed up for a guided hike last month just to get warmed up to the idea of hiking during winter and holy fuck, it was fucking horrible. All these fucking people hiking in a line like cattle. There was nothing exciting about it, if anything, it was really depressing. There was lots of boomers and ugly women, it felt like people use these sort of gatherings to socialize and make friends, it was depressing seeing them desperately trying to socialize and befriend one another, I'm never doing this again.
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I want to wander

No.2784670 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello anons, Floridian /g/ tourist here.
I want to wander around the Appalachian Mountains for a few days, in the snow. I am fucking tired of the heat. I am fucking tired of people. I literally just want to wander around in freezing cold snow, alone, for a week or so, living off the land.
Preferably I would like to avoid people as much as possible. I want to learn land navigation. I also want to bring a gun, shoot an animal, and eat it.
My questions are:
>how feasible is this for someone who has never been on a REAL /out/ trip aside from camping with his dad as a kid and hiking preapproved trails?
>what skills do I need to learn, regulations do i need to read, and equipment i need to bring to ensure that I don't suffer death, grievous bodily harm, and/or arrest during this trip?
>where should I go? my only stipulation is that there is snow present. I want to do this november or december.
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