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Catvasion in my neighborhood

No.2758058 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I might live in an ex Yugo shithole, but at least we have neighborhood stray and outdoor cats to pet and play with, which brightens up the mood.

Two sister cats got their own kittens earlier this year (themselves being kittens of a friendly black cat that likes to groom my hair) which made it even better.

Favorite mode of transport?

No.2756676 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Slowly losing my mind from having been cooped up for so long. Everything in my area (including all parks and nature walks) are incredibly far apart because I'm in FUCKING America, and I unfortunately don't yet have the funds to afford a car, which combined with public transport here being pretty piss, means I'm a bit SOL if I want to go anywhere.

So, I've been thinking about what alternatives I might have; what do you guys use to get around? Bicycles, scooters, rollerskates/blades, skateboards maybe? Or even heelies/flip-out skates so you can finally live your dream of being the coolest kid in middle school? What do you do when you need to carry a bunch of crap along with you as well?
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No.2757431 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
how do i not be scared of wasps? I keep freezing in fear around them. Outside is ok because i can avoid them, walk the other way if i see one coming, but if one gets stuck in a room where i have to be im a complete pussy about it. I can't help it, its a crippling fear, it was so much worse as a kid too growing up in a woodsy state that had them swarming all over the place. I rarely ever went outside back then or went out looking like Kenny with a giant coat in summer to protect me. I would notice the nests in every window at school. We had an above ground pool at home and they'd swarm all over that making it unusable by me. I remember trying baseball and not being able to stay on the bases over it. Even if I left them alone they'd chase me down. I only got stung twice but still.

I'm afraid of everything about them, the stinging that one can do multiple times without dying, the way they fly, the sound they make, their aggression, the way if you kill one (which i never have, I've never been chad that successfully throws the bottle and saves the classroom at school) it releases pheromones to summon others, wondering if every wall secretly is containing nests where they can break through the wall, seeing their shadows moving with those dangling legs zigzagging behind a curtain, even looking at one in a picture gives me pause and goosebumps. They're like little alien eldritch monsters. I may confuse some bees for wasps/hornets/yellowjackets, its hard to tell when they're flying. Pretty sure yellows are the ones that zigzag and stay close to the ground, zooming round your legs, wasps have the long legs, hornets are like giant black flying ants with the biggest sphere nests, and bees are fuzzy and less aggressive but may still steal your girl and doom the human race.
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No.2757407 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have off of work for almost two weeks, was considering a road trip but I haven't decided on where to go and am running out of time. I live in the rust belt, have thought about heading east to New England and Acadia or out west to Glacier National Park. Any recommendations, feedback, or ideas? Wish I took the time to plan out more but here we are
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No.2754272 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can someone redpill me on those fancy expensive bikes? Four years ago I bought a bike for daily commute. I was poor so I bought the cheapest city bike for €260:

Then I discovered my passion for cycling trips. The problem was, my bike was cheap, so it kept breaking all the time, other than that I loved it. After two years I had enough and came back to the bike shop, where the guy tried to sell me some more racing-looking bike, but I really loved my city bike, so I ended up buying a more expensive bike from the city series for €700:

It's very comfortable, and during these two years the only things that needed repairs were tubes and tyres, even the original brake pads are still going strong. Fantastic. I can't express it how much I love the minimal maintenance. Unfortunately, it's very heavy, which really limits my performance during all-day cycling trips.

I'm thinking of buying one of those fancy expensive bikes for my trips, but I don't know shit about them.
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No.2757094 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>1000 mile road trip
>shitbox hatchback
>4-5 days
>beach oriented
What would be the best strategy for sleeping? Is camping by the side of the road viable?
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No.2756262 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Post critters that you encounter in your outings. I always find these little fellas during reptile surveys.

Bonus points if the critter is unusual.
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No.2757867 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Girl claims to have been stuck for 13 hours in a canyon but was detected by a helicopter flying over, probably via thermal. Do you think this video is legit?
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Most compact 20 to 30 degree sleeping bag for under $100

No.2755789 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Getting tired with my bulky heavy ass bag. Light weight is also appreciated. Any recommendations?
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