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Threads by latest replies - Page 4

No.2800128 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Guys how the fuck do I deal with foggy glasses in winter? Am I just destined to have to deal with a freezing cold nose and avoid any cover that goes over it? I've tried so many balaclava that claim to vent through a mouth mesh and it never works
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No.2800410 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What did this faggot do that got him chewed out so hard he turned off comments on all his vids? I can't stand /out/tubers in general but please give me a reason to legitimately shit on this guy besides merely being a soulless influencer
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2025 /out/ Assignments

No.2797933 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post your general location and we'll reply with a new location (>2 hours) for you to visit in 2025. If you have already been to that location, call them a faggot and let somebody else try.
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What is this nordic ski all about?

No.2798620 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I found some sky paws on a mountain road.

Seems there is a skying type i wasn't aware of.

Do you practice it? Is it common? Do you need a prepared trail for it or you go on wild snow?
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No.2796179 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What winter /out/ hobbies don't cost an arm and a leg to do?

Skiing and snowboarding seem like a rich person's hobby.
Mountaineering requires actual gear.

Is Snowshoeing the only real option?
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No.2796379 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What is the most money you have ever paid simply to be able to park or enter a gate to park in order to complete a hiking trail (day, not camping)?

I think the most I've paid is 30 dollars, for Shenandoah National Park. I find the concept of pay-to-hike parks fascinating yet evil.
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American Discovery Trail

No.2797773 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I would like to hike the American Discovery Trail this year, problem is there is limited info online and I have no clue what to expect. With most trails it is manageable because there is greater access to water, but the ADT looks sparse, and without knowing where those water sources are it's going to be a lot harder to know what to carry when I need it.
My second issue is with mapping, I can always just walk across the US but I'd like to remain on trail for as much as possible. No mapping apps have it saved. What are some ways to get a good map and navigate, and what are some other hurdles that I would come across on this trail?
I want to do it because it's fairly remote in some places, and just seems like something worth doing, because what else really is.
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Is The Iron Snail /out/ approved?

No.2799260 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Inb4 schizoids tell me to pay for an ad. I just want to get natural fiber clothing that isn't going to give me PFAS-linked cancers a decade from now.
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First time New Jersey /out/ing

No.2798783 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, i’m from NJ and have been lurking on this sub for a while and watching outdoor boys on youtube and I would really like to go camping. I’m more inclined to camp during the winter because there are no bugs and no bears (irrational fear). Anything I should be sure to bring or any nice places to go?

I’ll admit i’m a total shitter so i’m fine going to some shitty campground just to get the ball rolling. Better than not going I guess. Do you guys have any advice on what to bring or where to go?
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Overnight hiking in Victoria

No.2800453 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm a very amateur hiker looking for good overnight hiking trails in Victoria, AU. Ideally 1-2 nights. Currently looking at the alpine region and Wilson's prom as options.