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Threads by latest replies - Page 8

No.2747858 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>be black bear
>see a nature park built directly in the middle of my forest
>wander around the place looking for food
>see a woman, run away scared shitless
>get a fucking hit squad send out to euthanize me
>die and enter a higher plane of existence
>mfw humans on the other side of the continent heard about my death and are talking about how scary I was and how they would shoot me faster if they saw me in person
71 posts and 2 images omitted

No.2755346 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This might be verging on off topic but does anyone else love seeing what kind of gaming set ups they can pull off with a low budget and low weight? There's just something about hooking up a tiny computer screen in a cabin with no sound or scuffed sound that makes the experience way more enjoyable than just using the TV at home.
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No.2756950 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can you parachute off the top of K2 and Everest?

That would make short work of descending. Think of how epic that would be. A quick way for those who are struggling to return to base camp.
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Outdoors of Korea

No.2757182 View ViewReplyOriginalReport


No.2756438 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've been looking around for a good hammock but a lot of the recommended brands I've seen in discussions either aren't making them anymore or are completely sold out.

Could I get some hammock recommendations as well as general tips for hammock camping?
42 posts and 11 images omitted

Everything is illegal

No.2757873 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Good day gentlemen.
What is one to do when all lands are claimed as private estates, surrounded by barbed wire and guarded by mistrustful boomers? No matter where I venture, I am deemed a trespasser. Even the so-called 'public lands' are often forbidden.

I understand that in these troubled times, the presence of disreputable individuals makes it challenging to maintain order. Yet, I grow weary of constantly watching my back. And before you levy any unkind judgments upon me, know that my experiences in the great outdoors far exceed those of the average normie soul. I speak with the authority of one well-versed in the ways of nature.

It is disheartening beyond measure to feel the weight of suspicion when all I desire is to explore this wondrous Earth. Should I surrender to this frustration and seek refuge in the wilds of Scotland?

Camping/Hiking for beginners

No.2757722 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
im a 20yr old chronically online male, i've fantasized about going camping/hiking alone for years but never had the money nor guts to take the plunge, what kind of places or equipment do you anons recommend for a beginner like me? my goal is to someday travel around my country for a month while camping inbetween.
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No.2757092 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey anon, Im currently deep in the beautiful jungle of my country. Its very nice but its getting dark pretty quick. I decided to post some pics of it here

No.2756957 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /out/.

Newb needs advice on layering the insides of a hammock for camping through the night.

> Eas- Central Europe, German-Poland Baltic coast.
> Climate is temperate summer, nights around 15-22 C/55-70 F.
> Weather forecast is mostly useless, rain and thunderstorms can happen early, late, not at all, or out of nowhere.
> Humid af, some swamps/marshes.
> Boars. A fuckton of boars acclimated to humans and human trash.

I'm gonna spend one night in the forest, starting small.
Most of my gear is going to dirt cheap Chinesium because I'm poor as fuck. I want to get a tarp+hammock+insect net combo, but I have no idea what's next.

Should I get a foam mat? Aren't those too rigid to go into a hammock?
Would a sleeping bag be enough?
I do have a fairly lightweight wool blanket from commie times that I could dig up, recon that would be useful?

Any other relevant info you can share will be appreciated.
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No.2732841 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to /hive/ -
beekeeping general. Discuss apiary and bees.

Old thread: >>2657231
104 posts and 18 images omitted