firstsover nightalone in woods,,bike into hills.,
`,,stash bike behind low stone wall,,walk 100 yards up to under oak trees,,setup crapy tent,,eat,,bedown,,snuggle in comfy.,
,hear footsteps comeing down hill,,,getout of tent,
,,,"Hello?",,noreply,,STRONG moonlight but im in shadowl, cant see anyone in deep shadowhere heard steps,,,look hard.,
,,,,see footsteps in the leafs but noonethere?!!,
,,,HHHHORY CRAP itsa DARKDEMON!,know abouthese from native lore!,
,,,"Im with JESUS! GOD will protect Me,you dont Scare ME! im not afraid of Y'ou!" voice cracks.,
,,he knows im CHICKEN!, keeps walking towards me,,step,,,step,,,step!,
,,i step into the STRONG moonlight streaming between the trees,,hyperventilating,,,pumping up to grapple knowing it will be a fight for my mortalife!,
,,,the moon will reveal his true form.,
,step,,,step,,,,just one more and he will be in light!,
,,,,,,STEP! and heshown in his HORRIBLE self>
,>MOUTH AS WIDE AS HIS HEAD!,WARTY KNOBY HEAD!,,and yes greenish even in moon!,
,LEAP straddleing him!"YOU SCCAREDD the CRAP OUTA ME!!"
,,,never underestemate the toad,,,,or Jesus.,
,,backin sack sleep the sleep of VICTORY!