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No.2721260 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
how hardcore are you?
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No.2727761 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>I live in New England, birthplace of faggot ass Lyme Disease, ticks are everywhere innawoods
>Already had Lyme twice in my youth, never want that shit again

I bought a pair of $100 pants from Duluth that were branded as "no bug/tick" which according to the label is some proprietary Permethrin infusion.
>catch tick
>put it on pants
>watch it walk all over for several minutes, completely unbothered by the "kills bugs and ticks guaranteed!" pants
>return pants because they clearly do not fucking work

So were these pants just trash? Or is Permethrin ineffective?

What is the best way to protect from these little fuckers? Between hiking, mushrooming, and camping i'm off trail at least 75% of the time essentially bushwhacking through trees and brush.
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No.2758044 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Tired of carrying a bulky fleece so decided to spend a little money on a down jacket.
How warm does the average down jacket keep you; I've seen Decathlon ones that say they'll keep you warm at 0 degrees if you're static but other only list fill power and down weight.
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No.2757249 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>start first year of university
>go live in big city
>have constant fear of getting robbed/stabbed
>literally only like 2 interesting things to see, the rest are just novelty places
>so much noise it makes me want to blow my brains out
>having to put up with constant ads and lights everywhere

>first semester done
>i want to kill myself
>one day i go running
>end up in a park
>literally the happiest ive ever been since i started
>start seeing survival, bushcraft, homesteading and prepping content
>getting naturepilled

>second semester done
>go hiking for like 3 hours in the mountains
>no food but some nuts i bought
>only one bottle of water
>almost zero experience
>i feel like im in heaven

bros, in the future i want to live in a small town with lots of nature, have a little garden, go camping and know useful things like bushcraft, first-aid, agriculture, prepping and survival. maybe even have a wife and start a family. how do i get started? how do i get the knowledge? any resources on the matter would be highly appreciated.
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No.2753538 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Appalachian Trail is slogging for clout.
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No.2758134 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How is no one talking about this? Yellowstone is literally starting to explode. These are all warning signs for the coming mega explosion.
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/out/ings with a Pipe

No.2752854 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Old thread: >>2733343

This is a thread for enjoying a pipe while doing outdoor activities. If you ask why this belongs on /out/, you've never spent an evening by the campfire with a pipe silently enjoying the nature around you, and you're missing out.

>how to get started
Purchase a Missouri Meerschaum Legend and a pouch of Half and Half or Captain Black tobacco, available at most smoke shops. You will need a lighter or match, and something to tamp it with--a large nail works well if you don't have a pipe tool. Fill the pipe with tobacco, pack it down halfway, top it off, pack it down to 3/4, top it off again, pack gently and enjoy. Smoke slower than you think you need to, the tobacco tastes best when it is burning cool. Tamp and re-light as needed. If you still have trouble, try different methods on YouTube until you find one that works for you.

>smoking a pipe will give you cancer
While any tobacco consumption comes with some risk, the cancer risks from occasional pipe use are pretty minimal. Educate yourself and make your own informed health decisions. Some info here

>muh weed
Not the time or place. Start your own thread

Then leave the thread. Pipes have been a part of outdoors culture for centuries. If you don’t like it, leave.
101 posts and 12 images omitted

Catvasion in my neighborhood

No.2758058 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I might live in an ex Yugo shithole, but at least we have neighborhood stray and outdoor cats to pet and play with, which brightens up the mood.

Two sister cats got their own kittens earlier this year (themselves being kittens of a friendly black cat that likes to groom my hair) which made it even better.

Favorite mode of transport?

No.2756676 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Slowly losing my mind from having been cooped up for so long. Everything in my area (including all parks and nature walks) are incredibly far apart because I'm in FUCKING America, and I unfortunately don't yet have the funds to afford a car, which combined with public transport here being pretty piss, means I'm a bit SOL if I want to go anywhere.

So, I've been thinking about what alternatives I might have; what do you guys use to get around? Bicycles, scooters, rollerskates/blades, skateboards maybe? Or even heelies/flip-out skates so you can finally live your dream of being the coolest kid in middle school? What do you do when you need to carry a bunch of crap along with you as well?
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