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Threads by latest replies - Page 25

Be Honest

No.2805218 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Have you ever gone /out/ with a woman?

How many acres of land do i need to maintain these shitbags?

No.2799863 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Hiking with old people

No.2805142 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Have you hiked with your grandparents anon? Have you been a good niece / nephew and gone outdoors with your elders?

I personally have with my uncle, on a few occasions. He's almost 70 so naturally he can barely do anything more than 5 kilometers without him finding it not enjoyable, but irrespective of his joint pain he still soliders through. Even though you will not get to hike spectacular trails with older people the hikes are still pleasant given the endless amount of discussions you can have with these experienced people about nature and the past. It is a little something like getting a personal guide who intimately knows things that no other does. I think that it makes short hikes more pleasant.

plz share your Bivouac experience

No.2804590 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
sup, 4chan! architecture student here!

we've been assigned to make a project of bivouac, so I kindly ask y'all physicaly active anons to share with your experience!

what makes good bivouac good for you? what makes it bad? what annoyed you the most, in a bivouac? what pleasently surprised you? what'd you wish were inside a bivouac? what if i make it 2story high, and you have to crawl up a ladder to get into the bed? does panorama vindow matter? maybe there should be a lower doorstep/threshold? maybe a higher one?
what do you think about “Bivacco Gervasutti”?

please share all kinds of experiences and opinions!
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No.2805130 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does /out/ listen to outdoors podcasts or have any favorite outdoors movies? I just finished the Timothy Treadwall episode of the Tooth and Claw podcast and I hate Tim more than ever. It almost made me as mad as that family that wandered into the desert with their baby and a single bladder of water.

No.2802925 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am planning on starting a vegetable garden once it starts to get warmer. I live on long island new york and I have no prior knowledge about gardening other than a couple youtube videos. I have a pretty good idea on what I want to grow but might add or removes some. Yukon gold potatoes and maybe russets too, strawberries, san marzano tomato, carrots, a bush rosemary and maybe some other other herbs, onions maybe, and pepper maybe. I'm leaning towards using raised beds but might change my mind. I'm going to do all this in a small backyard and I'm most likely going to buy sprouts from home depot or something. I want to know basically everything I possibly could and should know as much information possible. And I have alot of questions to ask I'll put a couple here but I'll ask more as the thread goes on. What type of soil/compost should I use, does the water I use matter or can I use normal hose water, how should I setup a raised bed properly, what type of fertilizer should I use, what's the optimal time to start growing, should I mix different breeds of potatoes in one bed, are garden bags any better for glowing, how should I arrange all the plants, Is there a way to grow bigger potatoes or tomatoes, what is a surefire way to increase yields, what are some recommendations for other things I can grow, what are some other things that I need or would be helpful? As much help as possible is greatly appreciated
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No.2803538 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do you wear sunglasses while /out/ing? What are your favorites? Or do you prefer "natural view"?

I almost always wear simple dark aviators, since I can't really stand the sun, especially summertime. Just way too bright to be enjoyable. But in cloudy autumn/winter seasons I like to spend time in my yard in orange shooting glasses. Wouldn't dare to go somewhere wearing them, since would look like a total faggot, but man, that orange somehow lifts your mood/makes everything feel so warm and comfy.
2 posts omitted

Why do gearfags spend so much time obsessing over buying things instead of going outdoors?

No.2799686 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>put on boots
>walk outside
is it really that difficult?
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Guess the location thread

No.2781148 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>post pic of recent /out/ing
>take turns guessing where anons pictures are from
327 posts and 149 images omitted

No.2805016 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>90 second slopes, open till 2 am
>rail grinds
>poleless skiers
>camo snowpants
>hockey jerseys
>jeans even
>darting between trees on two inches of ungroomed snow
>drunk retards sliding into each other in line for the lift
the rockies might have the height and the views, but it just aint the same as wisconsin skiing