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Threads by latest replies - Page 26

Kayaking General

No.2798041 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I recently bought a used picrel and it's full of stickers and paint
The paint I don't mind, especially since it supposedly helps to keep algae away, but there's these unpainted letters (the previous owner probably used duct tape to paint over them) and I want to cover them
Is there any product I can use to remove the stickers?
And about those unpainted spots, do I just paint over them? What kind of ink do I use?
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No.2804109 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Where do you ruck?

Plenty of land to ruck out here.
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No.2804956 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Killing invasives is just DEI for the ecosystem

>oh no this plant that has perfectly adapted to the area over countless millions of years is being outcompeted by *checks notes* a random plant from the opposite side of the planet

Learning to surf... inland.

No.2804760 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I often go down to California to fish and visit the parks with some friends that live down there. They want to take me to the beach again this spring but I don't want to be stuck with a boogie board. Does anyone know if this FlowRider attraction in Las Vegas could teach me the basics of surfing? Or would it be a waste of time and money. I live in the Vegas metro area
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Help a noob understanding hunting

No.2800527 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I live in North Florida and I am hoping to get into hunting this year. I've done a solid amount of surface-level research about the rules and so on, but I don't get what people really 'do' while they hunt.

If you're on public land where tree stands aren't allowed, do you just set up on the ground? What's the general protocol for doing that safely and effectively?

Also just give me any general wisdom you think I need.
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east coast

No.2799718 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
There are objectively the best 10 /out/ states in the nation. You can't beat the richness of the forests and the changing colors and textures and flowers of the seasons. And the plunging gorges and raging rivers. They have everything. Plus the people are friendly and accommodating and not snooty.
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Room + Board Work

No.2803757 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone have any experience working summers on a national park or at a ski lodge?
What are the pros and cons?
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No.2801987 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>enjoying a campsite in a remote Australian beach town
>go into a semi outdoor disabled toilet to take a shit
>big ass wasp enters though the gap between wall and roof
>starts hovering 2-3 inches away from me going around my body and head
>contemplate whether I should try and hit it with my shorts and risk getting stung or should I run outside and have my penis and unwiped ass on full display to the campers right outside facing the door
>choose to move from corner to corner in the small room avoiding it while squatting the whole time to avoid spreading the shit along my cheeks
>after two minutes he fucks off under sink so I wiped and flush, he comes at me again for 10 seconds the goes under the sink
>i make my break

Is this some territorial behavior or is God punishing me for using the disabled toilet as a fit young man?
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No.2802266 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fellow Yuros post a few 100% real outdoor gear companies from your country, I'm boycotting all mutt shit.
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No.2804856 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Was watching survival content and cam across this channel.. Is this the original basedjack