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Threads by latest replies - Page 24

No.4385613 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Absolutely mogs Portra 400.
More pop, brighter colors, significantly cheaper.

This is Kodaks best film and its not even debatable.
92 posts and 17 images omitted

No.4392833 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>stumbles upon Pulitzer Prize level le-social-commentary photo opportunity
>portrait mode
>abhorrent composition

fucking normies man
8 posts omitted

No.4385594 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hows the fashion photography going /p?
You are still doing it right, this thread is to discuss fashion photography.
61 posts and 12 images omitted

Instagram Thread

No.4339181 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Classic IG thread. Post yours, rate others etc etc. and feel free to post whatever other site you post your photos on.
314 posts and 74 images omitted

are there any non or less carcinogenic c-41 kits

No.4389415 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I got a lot of rolls saved up that i need to develop But i don't wanna drop $100 on developing them. I was thinking about buying a c-41 development kit cause i already do black and white, but the warnings about cancer and birth defects kinda freak me out. are there any other options or should i just man up and do it anyway.
5 posts omitted

Any one place a bid?

No.4390496 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A 1938 Leica rifle camera by E. Leitz, New York. Sold for €144K.
9 posts omitted

No.4391854 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I’m going to go pick up my film scans today from the camera store.
Is there a better feeling in photography?
45 posts and 4 images omitted

ACAB includes Peak Design

!egyYvoBZV2 No.4391850 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You're not using a bag made by the elite class are you?
22 posts and 2 images omitted

Rate this portrait

No.4389569 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>GFX100II + GF55
40 posts and 8 images omitted

Need new camera buying advice: D850 vs R5

No.4390443 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just got paid today & looking to buy a new camera. Quick, do I buy a open-box/low shutter D850 or a Canon R5 for around mid-$2k?

To add some context, my father just bought 2 RF lenses (28-70 F2 chode & 85 mm 1.2) to pair with his new R5 MKII alongside his very old 5D MK II lenses (70-200 L I & 17-35MM 2.8 I think and 24-75 L or something).

I don't want to get his hand me down 5d II and would rather purchase either my own Nikon D850 open box with some cheap lenses or a hannukah B&H special R5 for $2699 + the battery grip pack ($349 free).
I would like to get the Nikon D850 but I dont have the funds to buy newer Nikon lenses, also with the Canon I can continue using my fathers really sharp and really amazing lenses albeit not what I am necessarily going to use to shoot.

So /p/ if you had $2k lying around and were in my position, would you get the D850 or an R5?
48 posts and 2 images omitted