>>4399705You just need to download a photo editing app on your mobile phone and try it out to see what girls are doing.
They are all making their eyes bigger, blurring their skin, messing with their nose and jawline.
Its so easy too, you just slide some sliders.
Also the phones today bake in tons of editing by default.
Everything has a kind of plastic look. Then add in the massive supply of photos now, every girl puts up a photo every day, vs in the past it was rare photoshoots, heavily planned and controlled ie quality over quantity.
Anyway to sum up I shoot girls and bring a film and digital camera to every shoot and take photos of the same girl in the same setup with both. Film is basically done with zero editing, it somehow edits skin by itself and looks nice.
Digital shows tons of flaws and i feel like 90% of my editing time goes to the skin editing on the digital shots and 10% to the film of just colour correction and dust removal. I almost never retouch skin on film shots.
Film is amazing like that, it really does make peoples skin look naturally nice. Sadly no girl is going to bother with film for her daily selfies, as you cant slide all those editing sliders to make yourself way better looking. Therefore they are all locked to their iphone only.