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Threads by latest replies - Page 3

No.4399705 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it just me or were girls hotter before digital cameras arrived?
12 posts and 2 images omitted

Printer recommendation

No.4399836 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Canon Pixma inkjets, not bad for the initial cash layout. Buying Canon ink cartridges will take an honest man broke. Any recommendations for tank systems?

Smartphone photography

No.4355615 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post your phone pics, what phone do you use, etc.

The best camera is the one that's with you!!!
248 posts and 127 images omitted

/NIG/ Nikon Imaging General

!egyYvoBZV2 No.4385324 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Joined the big boys club today.

This thing feels like fucking wall-hacking the AF is just ridiculous it will see shit in the middle of pitch black dark and lock on to it with 30 year old AF-D lenses. I also grabbed a 70-200/2.8 VR II for cheap.

Talk Nikon stuff, share Nikon images, ask Nikon questions here.
327 posts and 50 images omitted

No.4397664 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>see a vid of some fag sucking off a contax 2t he paid like a grand for
>his main points were that it has an f/2.8 lens (that you can't set to f/2.8) and that it has half stop exposure compensation for over exposing images, and the smell
>mfw when my canon sureshot I overpaid $40 for also has an f/2.8 lens and a manual ISO dial in 1/3rd stops from 50-400 (and 1,000 off on its own for some reason), meaning it literally does all the same shit for $40.
also why the fuck does it go from iso 50 to 400 in 1/3rd stops and then just randomly jump from 400 to 1,000 and not 800? did 1,000 speed film use to be popular?
pic related, technically a photo thread because its a photo I took
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Flower Closeups

No.4399360 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is this even a mainstream genre ?
2 posts omitted

Cosplay Photography

No.4395982 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to get into cosplay photography. How do I take pics like this?
23 posts and 7 images omitted

pee xisters i don't feel so good

No.4391485 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
oh no no no no fucking film chad mogged photography once again. a film chad can direct a film and then shit out a kino photobook. is it over?

Dear God, the Parthenon is still broken by Yorgos Lanthimos
22 posts and 13 images omitted

No.4399112 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is it about nature that every living human seems to be able to appreciate from an aesthetic standpoint?
What does it take to be a truly great nature/landscape photographer? Anyone can snap a photo of a stunning landscape and receive praise despite not providing any actual input or effort into the photograph.
How do you go above and beyond in this day and age?
11 posts and 1 image omitted

No.4398006 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>been shooting for a year
>composition still sucks ass
is this something I can actually learn or am I just not built for photography
57 posts and 3 images omitted