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Threads by latest replies - Page 25

Explain optics to me.

No.4404474 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have collected bunch of shitty cameras.
>Canon SX160 IS (1/2.3" 28-448 mm eq F3.5 - F5.9. Slowest aperture F8.0 no ND)
>Nikon S32 (1/3.1" 30-90mm eq. f/3.3 - F5.9 aperture options: F6.6 and ND)
>Sony HX100V (1/2.3" 27-810mm eq. F2.8 - F5.6 Slowest F8.0 + ND)
>Fujifilm S4200 (1/2.3" 24-576 mm eq. F3.1 - F5. 2 aperture options F5.9, F8 and F20 (ND) )
>Phone (cheapo $200 1/3.1" 28mm F3.1)

And I've been testing things out.
If subject is far away (say from infinity to aprox 15-20 cm away from the lens), best camera is probably sony, followed by canon, then nikon and phone then fuji.
BUT! When shit is really close, say 3-4 cm away from the lens, all of a sudden fuji performs the best. Followed by sony, canon, nikon, phone.
Why? Makes no fucking sense.

Sony is sharp with chromatic aberration controlled very well.
Canon is shap-ish with chromatic aberration not controlled at all, not it seems to be corrected by the camera. (no aspherics from what I understand, which probably leads to chromatic aberation)
Phone is sharp-ish with chromatic aberration probably corrected by software and in lens too (phone lesnes are usually fully aspheric with like 10 elements inside)
Nikon is sharp-ish and from what I can see chromatic aberration is either controller really well, or just corrected really well in the software.
Fujifilm is a blurry piece of shit, with chromatic aberration being blured by overall shittiness of lens... Except when object is really close. Did they make a microscope by accident?
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Instagram Thread

No.4395314 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post your Insta, follow others, critique each other etc

I'll leave some feedback for the initial posts to get things rolling.
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formal photography education

No.4403903 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any Anons currently pursuing/have pursued formal education in photography?
Was it worth it? Did you enjoy it/are you enjoying it?
Any good stories?
What stuck with you the most?
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How to learn to crop

No.4400130 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I feel like this is the hardest part of photo composition. Properly cropping a photo. Is there a good guide or videos that go deep into this with many examples for different subjects?
1 post omitted

MFTrannies, explain.

No.4404188 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Never shut up about preferring small bodies
>New camera literally has a CP Button
M43 sisters, your response?
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Japanese Camera Shops

No.4401632 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm travelling to Japan in a month, I've heard they have a lot of really good second hand camera stores so I thought I'd try and pick up one while I was over there.

If any of you guys have ever been what are some shops I could check out?
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No.4404039 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why exactly do people take b/w pic with their digital camera?

People took b/w pics in the old days because b/w pics have greater detail. It's the reason why old recon aircraft took b/w photos even as color film were already becoming widespread

In today's digital photography where 99% of mirrorless camera uses CMOS sensor, you have exactly zero excuse to take b/w pics

Advices about youtube channel

No.4402344 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I’m not advertising my channel.

So, how can I grow and promote my channel, which focuses on Lightroom editing using my own photos and postcards?
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Printer recommendation

No.4399836 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Canon Pixma inkjets, not bad for the initial cash layout. Buying Canon ink cartridges will take an honest man broke. Any recommendations for tank systems?
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No.4390934 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Alright you motherfuckers, its time for pure SOUL!
I built this piece of shit in 30 mins out of the chassis of some failed repair project and whatever garbage I could find in my trashcan plus a random lens element

it has an aperture made from the lid off a tin of cat food
no shutter, you take the lens cap off and put it back on
manual film advance made from a 120 spool and a bottle cap
and light leaks
104 posts and 32 images omitted