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Threads by latest replies - Page 27


No.4389599 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is my photo shit? if so lets see some train photography.
36 posts and 28 images omitted

No.4402401 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can some camera nerd tell me what camera they used from the part 0:24? Is it some old camcoder? Or how could I achieve this effect?

Also general camcoder thread I guess.

No.4397353 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How are chinese companies able to sell all metal manually focusing super fast lenses that jewtubers shill for like $100-$200?
65 posts and 9 images omitted

Best apps for mobile photography

No.4401812 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey I need to know some good camera apps for android, like some hidden ones, gcam doesn't seem to work.
1 post omitted

No.4403218 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I took this photo on July 28th of last year 2024, at approximately 4:36 am. That day was one I looked forward to with excitement, because I was going to be alone in my house for the entire day. Due to problems that I had been carrying all year, I could not communicate with a person whom I love with all my being, since my parents disapprove of our relationship. They are strong believers in the Catholic religion, so you can imagine what they think.Going back to the previous point, I woke up as soon as I heard the door close, I sneaked out to make sure they left,Once they were gone, I proceeded to write to my beloved, I lasted until 3:46 am, telling him about the problems I was going through at that time,About how supposed friends had left me, and above all, how much I loved him... When I finished writing to you, I spent the rest of the night playing on my government laptop (Canaima), mainly Roblox, since it seemed appropriate to play classic experiences or with few players, mainly those furthest from the hand of God, in my opinion it is... simply beautiful, But I am straying too far, immersed in my melancholy, waiting for a response from my beloved, I turned to look at the landscape in the window, That purple sky, with the light of the rising sun, I was mesmerized by such a beautiful scene, I remembered that I had a song suitable for the moment, No surprices of Radiohead, I put it in my player, opened WhatsApp, and played it, that scene made me cry.Sorry, well, that's how I took this photo, thank you very much for reading, this photo is very beautiful to me, and I hope you feel the same, thank you.

Melanistic Penguin

No.4402924 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is a melanistic penguin. It is extremely rare.

It has a mutation that makes it entirely black due to an excess amount of melanin.

Anyone have trouble with this Camera

No.4403084 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am having a very major issue with the x100vi, I have tried troubleshooting in every way I possibly could and now I am not sure what to do. The first issue is that I am unable to edit/save/ or do anything involving making custom film simulations. The second issue is I am unable to reset the camera in any way, when I click reset, it does nothing.

So far I have tried the following: Turn off and on, remove battery and SD card, switch SD cards, update firmware. Charged it, let the battery basically run out.

I am stumped on what to do next, I tried searching online for hours but found no one had similar these same issues. I am wondering if In should return the camera.
3 posts omitted

No.4397374 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are there any good meme 120 films? or are we just stuck with cinestill and any other cine repackaged film is just 35 mm?
7 posts omitted