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RWBY Quest #1

!9Xh4/vcrqU ID:btpuV1G5 No.5981619 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Rolled 2, 5, 1 = 8 (3d6)

The world of Remnant is a vast and dangerous place. Horrendous creatures known as Grimm roam the land, destroying everything in their path, rending the flesh and devouring almost any kind of living being unfortunate enough to meet them.

Fortunately, humanity is not completely defenseless. Certain people are born with particularly powerful souls, granting them extraordinary abilities. When these abilities are honed they can evolve into Semblances, unique type of abilities that grant the user with powerful powers that work similarly to magic (Most of the time). These people have formed many groups across the many continents of Remnant, being known as Huntsmen and Huntresses.

However, not all of these people wish to save the innocent or destroy the Grimm. In fact, some of them use their powers for self gain and take advantage of the chaos of the world. There are even rumours that some of these Huntsmen are secretly working for someone behind the curtains, an evil force that wishes to destroy all living beings on the planet for unknown means.

But one may arise and change things. For the worse? For the better? Only the future has eyes for what is about to come.

Who are you?

>Race? (Human, Faunus, etc)

Also pastebin: and testing some random dice
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Do Your Best Quest #172

ID:36jAXcEN No.6009662 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last time, you did unforgettable things inside a hotel... Like turning Carol into a ball, the ball you’re carrying home. You technically <span class="mu-i">didn’t</span>, the others did, but you’re complicit, a monster who turns a blind eye to people being turned into circular beings of backpack-like proportions. What would anyone who respects you think if they saw you now? Better not to think about it and instead look ahead to what this day has to offer! You’re visiting Carol’s family!

The only downside is that you’re still a little tired. Not that it will affect you in any way. You’ve been told you act somewhat odd when you’re exhausted, but that’s all lies at this point; yesterday, you did a lot of things that you would’ve done even if you were at your best.

You have no idea why you’re talking about this like you aren’t outside. It is a fairly conventional and cozy two story house, with a well-maintained garden and welcoming vibe. The entire neighborhood is like that, everything from stores to transportation is at a walk-able distance, greenery everywhere you look, well maintained public spaces. It’s just a nice part of town, and it has a dinosaur motif for some reason. Maybe a museum is nearby?

“Hey, Carol Ball, we’re here.” You wake up the tired idol. She slept through most of it.

“...What did you call me?” Carol snaps out of her tired state rather quickly due to your comment.

“We’re not having this conversation again.” You refuse to get entangled in a meaningless discussion.

“Sure…” Carol doesn’t care for petty conversations either. “Place me by the door, and ring the bell. Then leave. <span class="mu-i">Bye-bye!</span>”

She wants you out of the equation.

<span class="mu-s">What do you do?</span>

>“After a cup of coffee.” You’ll spend time with her family. That’s why you are here.
>“Let me say hi at least…” Hash it out so Carol doesn’t get that upset.
>“Sure.” Kick the ball, then press the button. You’ll leave if no one pays attention to you.
>Write In.
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Star Wars: Against the Republic II(b)

!!/EuR+Zr7OEr ID:Ff7YAfzu No.5981826 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport!/ENqx6VLm9928xBAC5FUH

<span class="mu-i">A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...</span>

<span class="mu-s">STAR WARS</span>
<span class="mu-s">AGAINST THE REPUBLIC</span>

War has engulfed the GALACTIC REPUBLIC
With the pyrrhic victory of the GRAND ARMY at GEONOSIS, the CLONE WARS have truly begun. Republic forces find themselves vastly outnumbered in space and on the ground, as despite the massive influx of CLONE TROOPERS, the industrial capacity of the CONFEDERACY OF INDEPENDENT SYSTEMS remains unassailable.

After the battle, hundreds of thousands of solar systems declared independence from the Republic, swayed by the impossibly persuasive COUNT DOOKU.

Even the JEDI ORDER has found itself fractured, a hundred JEDI KNIGHTS have invoked their Right of Denial, opting to stay out of the conflict entirely, while a handful have found themselves seduced by Dooku, though not all by the allure of the DARK SIDE…


Welcome to Star Wars: Against the Republic. This quest will, as the name implies, take place during the Clone Wars. This quest will be basically entirely Legends (i.e. from the old EU) with very little if anything taken from the canon outside the movies. Yes, this includes the 2008 The Clone Wars cartoon, which is impossible to fit into the Legends continuity. Darth Maul is dead, barring anything unforeseen, Anakin Skywalker will remain a Padawan until the middle of the war, Mandalore is CIS-aligned and is not a pacifist monarchy, Nightsisters are a minority on Dathomir which as minimal contact with the Galaxy at large, Asajj Ventress is a Rattataki, and General Grievous is both a master strategist and a serious personal threat, etc.

This thread will probably be shorter and just wrap up the Krant Campaign/Hunt for the Decimator. Don't expect a follow-up immediately after because the worst dreck in all of nuWars is about to drop and I don't want to have any reason to be wiki diving when it does.

Previous threads:
Thread 1:
Thread 2a:

Feel free to ask questions and clarifications below. With that out of the way, let's get started.
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Batquest Weekly Issue #4 Part IV: Batquest/Superquest Finale

!!wy0RzVFRI8k ID:C7dFr2md No.5976805 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Art: Dan Mora
>Alt-Text: Comic cover of The Riddler in the foreground. In the background, cut out newspaper letters spell “Riddle Me This” while Superman and Batman leap into action in front of a maze.

Batman: Superman! You have to fight it!
Ivy: The sun doesn’t fight. It feeds.

Clark starts glowing as a field of flowers spawns in a ring around him. The parks shudder and flexes, the ground itself pulsating.

Batman: You are stronger than this! Stronger than most people! You landed on a world of hate and violence and chose to make it better. It doesn’t matter if she’s sapping your energy. Your real power is your will!

Your ally grits his teeth, Failsafe buzzes in your ear about magnetic waves but it doesn't have to bother. You can taste electricity in the air. Leaves rustle, but this is no wind.

Sfx: <span class="mu-s">SBOOOMMSHH!!</span>

Clark bursts from the vines into the sky, the shockwave knocking you free from the lichen that was trapping you.

Ivy: No!

Ivy summons a swarm of vines. You ready your defenses-

And Clark lands, knocking the thorny vines aside.

Superman: If you use your plants on us again, Doctor. I <span class="mu-s">will</span> burn them.

His eyes glow, and Ivy'd vines sprout thorns.

Ivy: Insolent flesh!
Batman: Something’s wrong. Ivy isn’t herself
Ivy: We are better than ever.
Batman: Doctor! You’re too brilliant to try to force us to do something we’d do willingly. Whoever’s in there with you clearly doesn't know us. Or know you.
Ivy: The mammal lies! The mammal lies!
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Lingdom Quest 4

ID:FWiAggMQ No.5984584 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to Lingdom Quest, a cute and comfy slice-of-life quest about exploring the Lingdom, a kingdom of cute pygmies!

You are Rika, a 15-year-old Ling on a journey with your cousin Kari, friends Bubu and Puki, and fox friend Moochy. You are on your Youthful Journey, a custom among your people where you leave your home to travel across the Lingdom to visit relatives and friends in other villages to help out and learn new skills. The function of the Youthful Journey is also to reconnect you with your wider family and make pleasant Memories.

>What are Lings?
Pygmy humans with large, round ears who live in the Lingdom, a kingdom separated from the rest of the world and under the protection of the Emperor. The Emperor is known as a "Tallie", a human of normal height and normal-shaped and sized ears. Among your people are also "Halfies", individuals with both Ling and Tallie blood who appear like Lings in their childhood but enter a rapid growth spurt in their young adulthood.

>Where did Lings come from?
The Lings claimed to have once been hosted by the Great Turtle where they learned to be good guests. Much of their core values come from their time being the Great Turtle's guests;
>To be neat, tidy, and clean after themselves.
>To eat sparingly so as to not overburn their hosts.
>To reciprocate gifts so as to share Memories.

Memories are something of a religious and spiritual concept for Lings. They represent literal memories that an individual holds but also represent their relationships as well as a connection to their wider family (their "people"). It helps bind them all as one people, not only throughout the land but also through time. Ways Lings share their Memories:
>Offering gifts.
>Doing activities together.
>Telling stories.

>Guest-Host Relationship
Lings behave themselves in accordance with the guest-host relationship as they learned from the Great Turtle. A Host must be benevolent and gracious to their guests, and a guest must be respectful and considerate to their hosts. This relationship is also attributed to their understanding of agriculture and politics The land they cultivate is considered their host, but the grain raised from it their guests. The Emperor is a sacred individual who allows Himself to be a guest for the Lings, but still behaves as their Host and protects them from the world beyond.

>Other Cute Ling Things
Lings are known for a variety of cute habits and behaviors. Here's some of them:
>They don't have chairs, preferring to squat or sit on the ground.
>Their cuisine largely consists of hand-held foods, wrapping their meals in either tortillas or leaves.
>They are pescetarian insectivores.
>They prefer sleeping in hammocks over beds.
>They consider leaving things on the floor dirty so most of their possessions are hung on the walls or ceilings (like their hammocks)
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Your Tinder Date has a Criminal Record

ID:97sG2j0d No.6007794 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You're on a date, a surprisingly wonderful one, with a beautiful woman whose laughter is as melodious as the jazzy tunes drifting from the nearby café. She's 29, charming, and undeniably beautiful. As you share stories over coffee, the conversation takes a sudden, serious turn. She pauses, her eyes meeting yours with a seriousness you hadn't seen before. "When I was a teacher, I was arrested for inappropriate relations," she confesses in a quiet voice, her gaze steady and earnest. "I have since realized the weight of my actions and the violation of my position of power and trust as a teacher. I'm trying to reform and date men my age now. Will you help me, anon-kun?"
>[] I'm sorry, but I can't be comfortable dating someone who has violated her students in that way.
>[] Everyone deserves a chance to change; I'm willing to support you in your journey to reform.
>[] Wait, you said you used to be a middle-school teacher.... that's messed up!!
>[] It was an isolated incident, right? With just one student??
>[] Your courage in facing your past is commendable, and I respect your desire to change.
>[] You seem like a nice, trustworthy woman, and I would trust you to babysit my 12-year-old nephew any time.
>[] ____________
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Megacorp Enforcer

!!iPdHU2QrUma ID:oSelpBEf No.5992603 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are an enforcer. The year is 2098. Nation states are obsolete and in their place the megacorps hold the highest authority and power. When carrots are not enough, you and your squadmates will be the stick. At the moment you are a Lance Corporal, riding a helicopter with the rest of your squad.
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!!3pQzFbyys19 ID:fu8X8BWb No.5999485 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
<span class="mu-i">Moon in prominence</span>: ~~ 17th day of Rumina's last cycle
<span class="mu-i">Orbital partition</span>: ~~~~~~ exiting Volupta's last squadron
<span class="mu-i">Epoch</span>: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yuga of Soranos

<span class="mu-i">Location</span>: ~~~~~~~~~~~ celestial body Providentia


<span class="mu-i">start group listing...

... listing...</span>

Identificatum: <span class="mu-i">Ulrike 'The Chaste' Van Der Bij</span>, batavian woman-at-arms

Status: known foreign life form, <span class="mu-b">PARTICIPANT</span>

<span class="mu-g">Blessings of the Mother</span>: polymath, experienced war veteran, trickster, enduring survivor, self exposure to an array of venom & poisons have made her immune to otherwise deadly quantities, has sympathy for vulnerable children

<span class="mu-r">Sins of the Father</span>: cunning, ruthless, paranoid, cynical, sporadic violent outbursts, memories of past traumatic events can cloud her judgement

<span class="mu-i">Supplementum</span>: carries a pair of occult dice with unknown origin in a pouch around her neck; has a bastard sword, smeared with potent poisonous secretions of a pet salamander; a queer looking snake, another pet, is roaming through her clothes freely; lightly armored

<span class="mu-i">Corpus</span>: three different intricate tattoo patterns cover her chest, stomach and legs. For some reason, the ink work is made in such a way that it allows her to see the drawn depictions in detail only from her point of view; <span class="mu-i">light bodily humors</span>

<span class="mu-i">Phobos</span>: erotophobia; partial agoraphobia regarding feeling trapped, helpless or embarrassed, PTSD

<span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-i">Eros</span></span>: asexual; raped in childhood, now smears salamander poison on her lips and labia daily

<span class="mu-i">Reason to participate</span>: wants to fix her broken psyche

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Core of Steel- 10 Two against the Empire

!HQdLRxFnaM ID:JPzxDYJV No.5975459 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
<span class="mu-i">The tides of history have called upon the line of Marik once more to remove an imposter from our country’s throne. I call upon all patriots, at home or abroad, and ask that they rise against the Empress. So with iron and blood, we may reclaim our future from the hands of a mad despot. So that their children, and their children’s children can live in a secure, safe world. </span>
-Jaime Marik, Patriot’s Address

The Ferrum Empire has descended into Civil War. The weapons built to subjugate the world and decisively crush their neighbors are instead turned inwards.

You are one of those weapons. Beta Core, an Artificial Intelligence built to operate the Empire’s most advanced mech frames against their enemies in tandem with a human pilot. Only together with a pilot, can you move the frame, merging the raw processing power and reflexes of an AI with the knowledge and restraint of a human.

This mission, your pilot is a teenager named Sophie.

You, along with your AI sister Delta, currently are operating for the Patriots. Your other sister, Gamma, is presumably operating for the Loyalists, but you are uncertain of her whereabouts.

Prior threads can be found at:

For a bit more background, General Marik, architect of the Patriots, has swiftly marched his primary forces of Army Group South north to the Empire’s capital of Victoria in an attempt to capture the Empress and end the fighting before Loyalist reinforcements arrive, and before the snowstorm grounding the Imperial Air Arm blows over.

If he fails to do so, his cause is lost before it even begins as functional supply lines, raw numbers, and air power take their toll.

Beta and Sophie were dispatched to eliminate one source of Loyalist reinforcements from the Tsang Tsun Military Academy by killing the leadership there.

Assistance has been granted in the form of Headhunter, a foreign pilot and machine from the until-recently hostile Tamar Alliance, who is on station to provide close support when called for.

A raging blizzard has also aided his task, making stealth protocols more effective than otherwise expected.

Already, you’ve penetrated through multiple defensive patrol routes, and obtained codes from one of those patrols to appear as just another friendly mech.
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Simple Space Empire Quest #4

!btT653GUa2 ID:zr8c6ZlV No.5974518 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The Eternal Empire has stood for 14 millennia and has endured hundreds of wars, calamities, and rulers of every type. As the Reaver Clans have been forced to yield, the first generation of House Heinrich's rule begins to pass from living memory.

Though Emperor Otto's reign reaches near its final days, it is not yet finished. Only time will tell what his legacy will be.

>Previous Threads
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