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Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, Ep. 15 part 3

!!cO9nrAngkwY ID:UmBNZf6j No.6179488 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
When the Reapers arrived, entire nations were caught in denial, unwilling to accept possibility of a catastrophe of galactic proportions, even in defiance of factual evidence, as sparse as it may have admittedly been, and testimony of agents of varying integrity. Ironically enough, both those forewarned and those who refused to be had paid dearly together for their negligence. A cynical mind would accept such state of affairs with little surprise, and a clear prediction of what would come next.

In this event, the cynical mind would have been wrong. After a downright miraculous concert of unity and cooperation, albeit not without discordant tunes played by Cerberus or those who foolishly thought they could parley with an enemy interested in nothing besides carrying out their grim harvest, the galactic community did in fact hang together, in an effort spanning not only the known galaxy, but also eons of history by building upon legacy of countless precursors, in order to rescue their present and secure a future.

When this effort had borne fruit of victory, many of the cynical minds among those still around were perplexed and confused. Some had even, in ways of introspection, admitted to having been wrong.

However, as the cheers of victory slowly gave way to the reality of the vista of future laid out ahead, the bitter scent of nihilism began to worm its way back into the landscape.

Some embraced it more fully than others.

You are Eve, sometimes going by Eve Ferrum, an alliance infiltrator unit and an unchained AI, distant fork of a secret project of the Systems Alliance that made its way to Cerberus and then Alliance again, to be ultimately deployed in a semi autonomous mode in the galaxy's darkest hour after an elder cousin, if you could use that term, had showed her worth in service to Shepard's crew, and ultimately liberated when you personally demonstrated your dedication to the cause aligned with a friend and companion of yours, Henri Ford, the currently freelancing Xenoarchaeologist.

And through paths that would not be out of place in trashy paperback novels of yore, which lead designer of your particular branch had enjoyed alongside classics of vintage science fiction, you had found yourself in position of an infiltrator again, delving into lair of a renowned war hero with political ambitions and a proverbial ossuary on a dedicated mainframe.
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Loveless Gal bows out

!!eK/DTdS3ONO ID:Liggshc5 No.6161727 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Achieving overbind is not the easiest thing.
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Ex Nihilo: A high fatality multiplayer game of nascent would be gods

ID:uqTNI4rX No.6193759 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are barely more than nothing at all, less than a ghost, less than a memory. You have no past, there is no future, yet. An apt metaphor might describe you as one tadpole among many, swimming in a warm pool. This metaphor is not entirely accurate, but it will suffice, for to describe the connection between the starving tadpole you are and the reality shaping god you might become would be no easy task.

You have no name and no features, though for the sake of organization the universe will permit you a single character to mark your identity.

You are hungry, and growing hungrier. Two sources of nourishment present themselves to your fragile and nascent mind. The first is to drink from the warm water that you swim in, of which there is only a little remaining. The second is to lash out and slaughter your brothers and sisters, whose bodies will return to the warm water from whence you all came.


Character Submission:

Name: The universe grants you a single character for your name, to better keep track of you.

Backstory: You have none. This warm water in this dark place is all you have ever known.

Motivation: You are hungry, which dominates your thoughts, but perhaps something else lurks behind the haze.

Corpus: You have three Corpus, which represents your integrity as a less than a memory thing. At zero Corpus you cease to exist entirely, unless you possess a Domain, in which case you merely fall into a coma, and restore 1 Corpus at the start of the next turn. Such a state leaves you terribly vulnerable however.

Might: You have three Might. When you attack you roll a die with sides equal to your Might.


Available Actions: You may take two actions. At the end of your turn you will lose 1 Corpus, unless you have acquired a Domain. It is unclear how this might be achieved.

Drink: You drink from the Warm Water, and gain 1 Corpus, reducing the total water by 1.

Attack: You attack one of your brothers and sisters. Choose one. Roll a die with sides equal to your Might. Their Corpus is reduced by the result of the dice roll and is added to the Warm Water.


The State of the Universe:
There is you, and your siblings, all identical for now, save a single character the universe has allowed you for a name. You swim in a great lake of warm water, a tiny wriggling thing. The more curious of your siblings discover a smooth and firm wall encircling you on the side and bottom, with no corners, only smooth curves.

There appears to be 30 units of warm water here to feed you and your kin. It is unclear if it will be enough.
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Isekai Cheat Harem #3

!!DmD2C+xIpWG ID:Q5eGeog+ No.6187392 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The world you've reincarnated yourself into was nearly perfect. The overdone and stale tropes gave you comfort. You know what to expect, and where to expect it from. That included the evil as much as it did the good.

Your dreams of having a harem of beautiful women that would pamper you and devote themselves to you entirely, mixed with your more recent desires to expand your wives and future children a nice place to live, was nearly torn to shreds.

Last week was almost enough to make the reality of this magical world set in: A force of nearly 1,000 bandits sought to invade your estate. You imagines this was the reason why many isekai protags liked going under the radar was soon shown to you, though in all fairness you hadn't been doing much to stand out. All you'd done was invade one of their smaller camps with a giant mech. Was such a response really needed? It seemed like cliches could be deadly.

But not for you.

Thanks to your leadership, the robotic clankers, the defensive preparations, your wives' fighting skills, and a giant laser, the bandit scum were repelled without much issue. With at least 400 dead in their ranks, the losses would keep them licking their wounds and give you some time to breathe.

Antagonists were a thing to be expected. Something that <span class="mu-i">you</span> expected. They existed to keep the story going and let the mc show off how cool he is, and maybe save another cute chick which would soon be added into his harem of doting women. What story would be complete without a few villains?

But on the other hand... It would be nice if everything got solved smoothly.

Anyway, the fact still remained: You needed to be prepared.

Three things were needed the most— money, energy, and an army.

Money was pretty much accounted for. You had a cotton farm and more than enough food items to sell. But if you really wanted to rake in those precious gold coins, there was a plan you'd been shaping together with Herta.

"As the Goddess of Artifice," She'd boast. "I'm without equal when it comes to creating things!" You were both seeking to smelt one of the rarest metals of the world.


That flimsy stuff you used to take for granted in your last life was not yet mass produced. From your experience in Centria, it was bound to sell well. This was your golden goose, and you didn't intend to fumble it.

The size and scope of the project made it impossible to keep Ruby Rose from knowing about it. And once you told her of your plan, she was fully on board with it.

"Your genius is truly unparalleled, Master~" Her elegant contralto flattered you.
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Monster Reincarnation 2

!!b6Rfy7MOgBG ID:JI9+mJYJ No.6185018 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You are a SKELETAL MAW - a person (?) reincarnated as a monster in a fantasy world.

Initially spawning as a Bone Turtle, you have done quests and wandered the Deadlands, levelling up your skills and even evolving one time.

In more detail, in the previous thread you:
>got acquainted with a reaper adventurer, Arthur, while dungeon-diving
>got quests from a strange guiding voice to recover your memories
>intervened in battles between a lich girl and her nemesis (2 times)
>traded with a skeleton caravan
>killed an undead tiger
>looted some magical power crystals from various sources
>put the undead of a border fortress to rest
>killed a mad wizard on request from the reaper
>agreed to assist a group of bone scouts (they're not made of bones, they're searching through bones for profit) in looting a secret treasury by protecting them from undead

Currently, you're with the scouts in the fortress where the portal to the secret treasury has been opened. And there are some monsters on the way for sure...

(I'm back and fixed all the technical problems <span class="mu-i">for now</span>. Let's roll.)

Previous thread:
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Student Ascension Quest #7

ID:w8sTM2Fc No.6181012 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are still William. Currently framing several mages as arsonists for breaking school property to get the school hall monitors to come and beat their shit in.
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Rise of The Awakened Quest #16.5

ID:B3qTVITr No.6177481 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I'm tired of uncertainty, is anyone still here?
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Theseus: a 40k A.I. quest 4

ID:95Sq5ofr No.6187969 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A drone, one of numerous multitudes, hovers over your core unleashing a steady, tiny, but powerful stream that cuts through your hull, trying to undo the haphazard repair work carried out centuries ago.

Another buzzes to the side, installing a newly manufactured camera to give you better oversight of the chamber.

More and more of your <span class="mu-i">sight</span> is restored, every single wiring replaced, every connection restored gives you more and more of a bearing about your surroundings. Having spent years relying on but your primary core camera or the various drones and robots you control, witnessing your surroundings via what could be considered to be entirely you. The overall process is a swift one and not that difficult, though frustratingly, much of your full hull is cut off and most likely scattered around the forge-temples. Regardless, in but a few days of intense and precise work, you have once again restored full <span class="mu-i">feeling</span> of the section you are in. No more faulty wiring to bother your endeavours, nor any blind spots that you have to worry about. When it comes to the damage, it had not been as bad as you feared, with there being a few holes and cracks here and there. The area housing your core had been deep within your own hull, as such the damage had been limited. As for your other hull parts, now that is a question you are curios to learnt the answer to. Though most likely those areas would have suffered far more extensive damage.

All the while you were conducting this simple, but important work, you had put your void assets to good use. Your logistics subsystem had been working overtime, getting all of the raw materials needed to get your voidyard up and running non-stop while it produces hundreds of mining vessels. Large, a kilometre and a half long ship with a wide midship is meant to devour entire asteroids by itself and to process the important materials while discarding any other remnants that would be deemed not worth the effort to process. Each of these ships would possess two hundred mining drones and two dozen exploration drones. These can be rebuilt by the mining vessel which possess on board manufacturing capabilities as well as refining ability. Other than that, the mining ships, specifically the <span class="mu-i">Falun-class</span> mining vessel, possess thick armour plates, similar to those of the Imperium’s, meant to take asteroid hits more than anything. As for armaments the Falun has, two dozen mining laser turrets meant to cut out chunks from larger asteroids for easier processing. These can be turned against opponents if it calls for it, but their effectiveness drops off at greater distances, so while posing a threat, the mining vessel is not meant for outright combat.
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Classic NRP--Thread Three: Purgation

ID:tPVZwGYr No.6163889 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Turn 14
The world of Pavilion falls under a pall. Mortal meddling strains the fabric of the world as wizards war with increasingly uncontrollable magics. To the west, a new land arises, ushering the Vizari into a harsh yet protected refuge from raiders and pillages. A presence stirs in the deep wounds they left behind, feeding on blood and souls, seeping through cracks in the firmament. The Northern nations seek glory in other lands, sending their armies outside of reality itself to fight wars in a strange new world. The Tyrns Without Summer march on all the while, food stores deplete, emergency measures turn to mitigation, and hunger yields to famine. Dark times indeed.

>We're currently full on players, though that can change with short notice. If you're interested, join our discord. The invite code is: F2Patcf.

GLOBAL DISASTER: The night sky darkens, the stars torn from their seats in the heavens and cast into the western seas. The earth itself quakes with indignation, stirring up great waves that batter the coast. The days that follow are unseasonably cool and dry. The sun is enfeebled by a dry fog that reddens and dapples its shining light. Crops fail, lakes freeze, animals starve to death for want of grazing ground.
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Maximum Spider Quest #25

!!urZ1qzDpXky ID:8UOX+puc No.6188806 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are Ben Parker, super-powered criminal and thief extraordinaire. After being bitten by a radioactive spider, you underwent a miraculous change, and adopted the identity of "The Huntsman"! But it's not all bad! Your clone brother, Abel Parker, works to protect the city, and potentially help clean up some of your messes. <span class="mu-i">He</span> goes by the name of "Spider-Man"!


Last time: Khonshu's gift to Cindy awakens and identifies itself as a vengeful spirit of Khonshu named Mercy. Due to her alien nature when she was alive, Mercy is able to freely manipulate her cloth body to suit Cindy's needs, making her the strongest costume Cindy's ever had the privilege of wearing!

But can she save Cindy from the treacherous members of the Monster Council? Who else can Cindy trust down here? Will Cindy be able to keep her head long enough to settle this "Slayer business", or will she lose it to one of the monsters hoping to end the prophecy?

Find out more in the latest issue of…<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-r">MAXIMUM SPIDER QUEST!</span></span>

Most dice rolls will be 1d100. Modifiers will be added depending on the situation or on the alien being used(Usually +10 or -10). Crit successes and crit fails apply. Crit fails can be overridden by crit successes, but crit failures cannot override crit successes.

How to Roll:
To roll dice, type “dice+1d100” in the options field without the quotations. To roll dice with positive modifiers, type “dice+1d100+modifier number” in the options field without quotations, and with an actual modifier number. To roll dice with negative modifiers, type “dice+1d100+-modifier number” in the options field without quotations, and with an actual modifier number.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:

Good luck and have fun!
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