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RWBY Quest #3 Volume 1: Tales of Kuchinashi

!9Xh4/vcrqU ID:z5dZ29Lx No.6049681 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Past Thread: >>6016690
General Pastebin:
Character Sheet (As of the end of Thread #2):

Your name is Shelly Suzume. You <span class="mu-s">were</span> a Huntress that graduated from Haven Academy a few years back. A recent discovery has left quite an ugly taste in your mouth as of lately. To put it bluntly, you’re suffering from something. Most likely neurological. You’re unsure if it’s a disease, if its permanent, if it can better, etc.

What you’re sure of is that, whatever happened to you is related to a weird technology that was used by some bandits near the city of Kuchinashi, south of the main city where Haven Academy resides.

And to make matters worse? You’re officially <span class="mu-s">dead</span>. At least in all databases surrounding the continent. You’d love to say that you’re still alive in flesh and blood, but with your current condition, well… you have plenty of second thoughts.

Random attacks of rage, violent surges, maybe quite the perturbing look here and there. On a bad day you’re almost sure that you give the vibes of a psychopath (Even when you think you’re acting properly).

And as of now? The only lead you have dwells within this slum of a city, where everyone wants to have something the other one has. Crime is rampant, drugs are everywhere, scams are far more plentiful than food, other hunters are suspiciously gone, and the only thing keeping together are crime families. (You work for one, somewhat, maybe. Its not like you had much of a choice.)

You’d love to dwell more on it. Maybe talk to someone. Heal your head, make people know that you’re still alive, and kicking, and ready to make things right, but you must be smart. Astute. You just can’t stand your ground and declare war on every bad influence around you. Even when you think you can do it. Even when that would make things better. Even when you think you <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">should</span></span>.

Wait, was it that weird influence again? Shit.
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Dragon Ball TQ Mystery: Chocolat Pêche Quest

!wVlGsCu6Co ID:dP4HS1um No.6063050 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>You are an Inspecter looking to find out the truth on the matter of Son Gohan being severely injured. His sister, Son Peppa, has not been injured, but may have some clue as to why her brother was injured. You will have to find out what she knows.

>WARNING: This is an unofficial, unacknowledged, downright despised spinoff of Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest. By all means, familiarity with Tuffle Quest recommended but not required, however this spinoff will also feature topics such as bullying, abuse, self-harm, drug use, grief, suicidal ideation, grooming, violence, and rape.

<span class="mu-s">Relaying the events of the past month to us in the format of Film Reeled Flashbacks, Peppa recounts some incidents, first one where she kept getting hit in the head with balls. First volleyballs, then a medicine ball! And Erasa laughed at her! Rude!

There was also evidence of a break-in to Peppa's locker in the girls locker-room, but the evidence left behind on the uniform strongly indicated that a boy was the culprit in the worst of ways. Peppa had to remove herself from the locker room immediately, and the feel of it reminded her of her past experience with the bodysnatcher Baby and his grey goo, which haunts her still.

Peppa then went to the Infirmary, and caught up on things with her cousin, the Ox Princess Izumi Mahogany, Izzy for short! From their talk, Peppa learned that Izzy's parents got her permission to skip PE so she could study, and that part of her new tutor's study method involved a special vitamin candy. A big part of why this candy is special is that on top of giving you laser focus, if the name "Izumi" is said in full it also has the effect of overflowing you with anxiety and chills until an injury is inflicted upon your body.

During all of this, the Inspecter is trying to pin down a means and motive for the culprit of Gohan's brutalizing, but has no leads so far. As for who was behind the theft of Peppa's chocolate, there is speculation that it could be a jealous crush behind it, but there's also too much supernatural bobbityboo involved in the theft for it to be that simple. As to who is responsible for Izumi's situation... honestly, Izzy and her family? But yeah that tutor of hers could do with some looking into.

Anyways when we last left off, Peppa was walking home from school and ran into a killer cyborg boy who is on a revenge quest! And as for his target...</span>
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Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 27

!!r0G0pXK2t+6 ID:i8owxPtv No.6064653 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welcome back.

Rules are simple: Votes are tallied every hour, with whatever course of action being the most popular being the course of action taken. Write ins are encouraged and non-mutually exclusive votes will be combined if possible.

When a roll is called for, roll however many D100 are specified. 5- is a 'crit fail' and generally means something bad is about to happen. 95+ is a 'crit success' and generally means something good just happened. a 'crit success' trumps a crit fail. User input on both will be taken into consideration.

Inventory, pokemon stats and other links:


For a short summary for the new and to recap:

You are Alex. A newly minted trainer and camping enthusiast just starting out on your journey at the age of seventeen after your father lost his job in order to help pay the bills. On the road, you met Fie, the Fire Gym Leader, Gareth a novice Aura Guardian on pilgrimage and Holly, a runaway heiress using a pseudonym. You've also made enemies of Team Green a group of violent, radical activists looking to abolish pokemon training.

Recently, Fie returned to her gym for the time being.

Last thread, you saved an adult toy store from being robbed by Team Green, left Saltcoast City for Redmont Town, caught a Mudkip and made camp for the night.
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Merchant Zombie Survival Quest

ID:0i9aIdxT No.6046391 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITQ you will buy and sell goods, find a place to live, basic Jobs, and things to do to live through a zombie apocalypse. Zombies are slow. Plenty of things can maim or kill you. Zombie bites can be treated, but there are side effects, or you may screw it up and die. So let's avoid that, ok?
You stand in line among several other people, anonymous faces, you didn't count them. You've not seen them before. Some in shoes, some barefoot, one with a blood stained spear, and all of you hot and dirty from the June heat. You're on the outskirts of Houston in the shell of what was an old big box store, and the proprietor has a fan blowing across the line of you, and he has been good enough to put up a pop-up tent ourside the entrance to shield everyone from the sunlight, but it must be 94 degrees with all of you crowded together and waiting. On either side of the Line, are cages full of dead eyed ghouls, locked in for now, but watching you.
The Merchant calls out Next and you step up with your goods. You walk up to a bullet proof Plexiglass window with a pass through container, and big sign over the glass stating:
>Jews created the outbreak on borrowed money, No Credit
You are yourself, just yourself. Your actions are your own choice, but the outcome is determined by post ID roll.
Roll for your saleable goods layout by final digit.
Subsequent rerolls to determine simple value, 2nd to last digit = quantity, final digit of simple pass fail 1-5 poor, 6-0 good
1-backpack of junk, can be sorted for valuables
2-live wild animal, must be examined to determine value
3-Clothing, must be checked for damage
4-Food, may be packaged or raw
5-Contraban: cigarettes, alchohol, pornography, drugs
6-Weapons: may be functional, broken parts
7-Ammunition: may be boxed or loose, good or bad
8-Medicine: may be prescription or over the counter
9-Chemicals: wet or dry, labled packaged or not
0-information: he may or may not care
Doubles= special item
poor items are worth 1/2 head, good items are worth 1 head
Your ID characters, in order, determine the quality of your starting gear
Number=common variety, used condition
Symbol=Superior variety and New Condition
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Burntime Quest 1

ID:JDgYqiy1 No.6052223 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hi folks. Maybe you remember me from "Left Beyond". Maybe not. It's been five years.

The world has changed a lot since then -- we got a global pandemic, the rise of generative AI and its use as a logistics and propaganda tool, drone warfare. Any similarities between this and that are, I assure you, intentional.

This is sort of a "testrun" for a more detailed quest I've been working on. This time around this is just for fun and I won't try to make predictions about the state of the world in the near future.

I will be using some material (mainly the map) from the old game Burntime, one of the predecessors to Fallout.

Expect this particular sort of wasteland to be a lot less forgiving than Fallout's though...

OK, enough with the foreword.
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Gotham City Beat Cop Quest 8

ID:pq57S1k0 No.6041189 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
"In for a penny, in for a pound. Lets do this."

Hawthorne just gives you a sly grin and his eyes have the faintest shine of pride, or maybe respect.

You both enter through the massive doors, the towering figures on either side of the door feel, almost, like they're staring you down. Watching your every step with a cold calculated logic. Suddenly you realize it's coming from everywhere, the clouds of Police, Security, and City Employees. The unblinking black eyes of CCTV cameras in the corners. Your hair stands on point, you are being watched by every one here. With a sole exception.

You beeline straight for the desk towards the only person not paying you too much mind. A mousey woman reads a soft-cover book at the front desk. 'Grave News' reads the title. Your tight stomach relaxes when you notice a familiar name engraved into a near copper nametag shines out to you: Deborah.

"Deb?" You ask as you approach, pointing a finger from your hip.

"Oh? I'm sorry do I know you?"

"Uh.. no ma'am. But I am a friend of Detective Bennett."

"Thomas?" She asks, quietly.

Hawthorne coughs. Or maybe that was a laugh? Deb's eyes flick to him and you see her expression shift to one you'd expect to see on an older sister seeing her younger brother.

"Hello Mitchell." She says dryly.

"Deb." He replies in kind with a half nod.

"Yes ma'am." You tell her giving Hawthorne very pointed eyes. "I work with Grey, maybe you remember me from a while ago? We came to-"

"Tear through the file room?" She asks, her pleasant soft look replaced with barbed accusation.

"Uh? Ah.. Well I didn't mean to." You stutter out.

"I bet." She replies with a huff. But her shoulders relax. "You two are just lucky the Mayor is such a softie."


"Mhmm. He helped me clean it up himself."

"That's awful kind of him." Hawthorne offers up, but his words are laced with suspicion.

"I hope the next Mayor is as good to me as Mr.Dent. Not many politicians care about the little guy, y'know?" Her eyes lilt downwards to her book.

"Well I'm glad and I just want to apologize on Grey's behalf."

"Accepted, but tell him he owes me something to eat."

"Will do ma'am. I'm actually hear today on some business."

"Well I don't know if you've seen but this place is currently locked down. Mayor Dent has cancelled all appointments and I'm not to let anyone in to see him."

"Of course, I understand. I was actually wondering if it would be possible for me to speak with the Commissioner?"

"Commissioner Gordon?" She asks.

"Who else.." Hawthorne mumbles in a gravely tone. You nudge him and he sighs.
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Mis à Nu Dans la Nuit Rougeâtre- Anya Drawquest 3

!!Pg7IW6v75om ID:yq0kYGpt No.6060873 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
On the star of Velekam, the small eye of the world god known as the continent Vinstraga, the outskirts of the capital of the Archduchy, Strosstadt in Strossvald, a young woman from nowhere tries her best to sail the sea of fates in a place most unfamiliar to her.

Challenged to fight when wreathed in weakness, battle refuses to wait for her strength to return. There is no path but to seek victory- and insist to herself of the inevitability of that war’s conclusion. The stakes are everything- if she cannot fight and win for what she wishes, then how else can she take her dreams?

An unspoken curse of judgment upon humanity from its God, if true freedom can only be found in conquest.

Or is living so simply dressing oneself in chains?


You are Anya Nowicki. That name was all you were given from the one who had brought you into this world- and you would have discarded it in a moment if those most precious to you did not find a hundred times more value in it than you ever had. You were demanded, commanded, even if by none but yourself, to take that name and make it worthy of having been saved by the man who in a righteous world should have been the greatest legend in history.

That sort of lofty aspiration was easy to latch onto when you were young, and easy to let slip away over the years as you grew no closer to that aspiration. Yet it had still been in your heart when the days came that the ruler of this land and others had no choice but to recognize your deeds.

Should you be proud, you had to wonder, or was that not nearly enough?

That line of thinking was grandiose for where you were. Not a smoldering battlefield…well, perhaps one of sorts. Your cooking had produced an awful lot of smoke.

You were in the midst of the first of three…duels? Ostensibly for the hand of your boyfriend, Magnus Edelschwert, but as far as you were concerned, this wasn’t actually going to factor into any decision by a man like him. This series of duels was for you- and your opponent, one Yuliana Sanmorza. You remembered her name for a flash before correcting your recollection of her name back to <span class="mu-i">Mouthy Cunt</span>.

The first match had been one of cookery. The other’s choice, of course, but it was in an art you knew nothing of. You refused to forfeit whatsoever, even if you already knew your chances of winning weren’t fantastic, and the silver haired bitch had meandered by you to mouth off again.

She knew nothing of what you were, what you’d done, what you would become, so her insults were meaningless…but you still entertained yourself with the image of giving her the good old Dustlands medicine for the terrible sickness of wagging the mouth freely without knowing whether you had a glass jaw. It was clearly an ailment that had festered long without treatment.

Not yet, though. Her time would come. Nobody could dodge it forever- you knew that well enough.
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The Caretaker Quest

!!J2DVx8oxjPt ID:tQw9INZi No.6038711 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
G´day /qst/
im creating this quest specifically for those waiting for HeadQM´s return to the Disappearing Hogwarts Quest, however, if you are not familiar with that specific quest, or the Wizarding World in general, you are also free to join in, im trying to make it as welcoming as possible for everyone, regardless of knowledge on the subject (its not like im an expert at it either, i just love the setting, so everything here could have conflicting information at some point, just keep in mind this is all in good fun while waiting for HeadQM´s return).
with that being said, this quest <span class="mu-s">MIGHT</span> be related to Disappearing Hogwarts, taking a very lose inspiration and might have vague references to it, yet, its still a <span class="mu-s">FULLY NON-CANON</span> quest
now, let the story begin!
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Sworn to Valour Quest #36

!!cRQ2bB+8b3B ID:V+nbsePW No.6053959 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
<span class="mu-i">“A Knight is Sworn to Valour. His Heart Knows Only Virtue. His Blade Defends the Helpless. His Might Upholds the Weak. His Word Speaks Only Truth. His Wrath Undoes the Wicked.”</span>

Every child in Cantôn knows of the Knight’s Code. From peasant-born waifs playing with sticks in the mud to keen-eyed noble sons practicing with cold steel in the training yard, all have at the very least dreamed of one day becoming a knight themselves. To ride out on errantry into the Five Duchies Kingdom and beyond for God and Glory, bringing the Law of Adam to the wicked and the Blade of Cain to the beast.

The Knights of Cantôn are sworn to follow the Code, to obey the King, to refuse no call for aid honestly asked for, to seek out and destroy the Foe wherever it may lurk and rid the world of evil.

Were it so easy…


/qst/ Archive:
Our Knight, Deeds and Equipment Pastebin:
Faith, Politics & Intrigue Pastebin:
Foes, Foreigners & Monsters Pastebin:
Dramatis Personnae:
OC Art & Memes:
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Alola Quest #3 Day 2/60

!lZvg1rW1DU ID:+4c8cG1k No.6054296 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Previous thread!

Amon G. Sus is a homeless young trainer from Unova who recently won an all expenses paid trip to Alola. He's going to meet girls, Pokemon, trainers, and girl trainers. But there is a mystery behind his prize. And he's keen to figure it out.

>In our last episode

Our date with Mallow turned to a battle with the number 2 ranked trainer in all of Alola, Trial Captain Selene. Now we have an appointment to the Battle Carnival in a few hours. In the meantime we are in the middle of a Battle Royale and Darumaka has evolved to Darmanitan!

>team info is here

>Spaghetti Points 10/15

Spaghetti points determine how well our character talks to girls. The lower the number the better. But you can spend them on New Pokemon moves and Evolutions too. So get them but don't horde them.

>Now to the action

Darmanitan looks at his new body excitedly. He looks to you flexing his new arms. "Yeah that's great! Let's see what you got!"

>What do?
Ability: Zen Mode
Psychic (To use this just say you want to. I'll take care of the rest.)
Work Up
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