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Resistance Quest pt3: The Long-overdue Return

ID:n+GV/WLz No.6051065 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are Iwo Malinowski. Once, you were a police officer in Yetrizcy, capitol of the peaceful republic of Awsbet. You lived in a cozy apartment, shared with your younger brother, Karlo.

Awsbet was a quiet place, peaceful and a little backward, where people still rode horse-drawn carriages and used gas lights in their homes, taking their time to join the rest of the world in the coming future. It was a good place to call home... Until the Federation crossed the border in October.

Your small and outdated army never stood a chance before the Eortite Federation's mobile armor and machine guns. In just weeks, they swept through your nation and took the capitol, forcing the Premier to sign an unconditional surrender. As the first signs of spring emerged in Yetrizcy, the Federation's troops paraded triumphantly through Constitution Square and martial law was instated under the new Military Commissioner.

As the nation reeled from the shock, you and your brother were among the first to contemplate resistance. Together, you gathered a small group and planned your strike - setting a bomb to go off just as a handful of enemy officers were sitting down for lunch... It was a plan that left you as the sole survivor. Karlo, Paul, Triss and Harken were all gunned down by the occupiers.

But you refused to let their deaths be in vain. You pulled yourself up and started over. With hatred burning in your heart, you sought out new allies and met Aneta, a member of the university's Democratic Society. Together, you planned an ambush on Federation censors and stole away priceless relics of your nation's past from the Museum of Art and Civilization.

There's blood on your hands now. A military policeman and half a dozen soldiers have died at your hands, but the censors themselves escaped unharmed. All the same, you managed to escape the museum with ammunition, a plundered rifle and your life, while your accomplice hid the stolen relics.

Now you sit on your bed across from Aneta. She's a few years younger than you and as you watch, a few strands of auburn hair slip free of the bun behind her head, falling into her dark eyes and making her push them away with a huff. Her short skirt (barely below her knees-!) and shiny walking boots are fashionable, but she's still a working-class girl, in spite of her university education; you've never seen her truly neat and tidy. Then again, given your background before moving to the city was a full-on country bumpkin, you're not one to judge.

"So," she asks, "What went wrong?"

"The censors realized when they saw the cases," you explain, "They sent a runner to tell everyone to put the museum on lockdown; I tried to take him down, but got seen and had to make a fight of it. I was out-numbered like, four-to-one and pinned down, so I had to cut and run before the gunfire drew the whole place down on me. I think I got..." you count off on your fingers, "One, two, three- Six of them? Plus the sergeant right at the end."
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QTG: Raise that Flag Edition

ID:cfScus68 No.6029851 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests.
Previous thread

>What is a quest?
An interactive story in which a Quest Master (QM) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed — similar to a choose-your-own-adventure book or an old text adventure

Questionably Useful links:
>QTG discord:
>Skirmish discord:
>Evo Game discord:
>Old pastebin containing advice for QMs:
Badly in need of renovation.

>Archiving guide:
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>Formatting guide:
Only the thread's OP can format. Note that should the OP change ID, they will lose this ability as well.
Remove the spaces between the [] brackets and the letters:
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>Formatting guide for everyone:
Dice (type this in “options”): dice + [no. of dice]d[no. of sides on the dice] (optionally you can add modifiers: dice + [no. of dice]d[no. of sides on the dice]+[modifier]; for a negative modifier type: +-[modifier]

Examples: dice+1d100 = a 1d100 roll, dice+1d100+10 = a 1d100 roll with a +10 modifier.

Spoiler: spoiler or by pressing alt+s in-thread

>QM question:
If you were given the reins to someone else's quest, what would you do differently? What current quest, that isn't yours, would you want to run if you weren't running yours?

>Player question:
If you could change one thing, anything big or small, about a quest you're reading, what would it be?

>General question:
What sort of direction turns you off from a quest immediately? What's something a QM can do to get your investment back?

>Lurker question:
Would a "stronger board culture" make you want to vote more, or would it seem forced?

>Miscellaneous question:
Summer is upon us! Got any plans?
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Kaiju Mindjack Quest: A Kaijuly One-shot

ID:myrAmrnr No.6055088 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It has been five years since the Kaiju started arriving on Earth through portals and wreaked havoc across the globe. Humanity managed to barely hold them at bay with piloted giant robots called MEKKs - but the Kaiju kept coming, and global resources are starting to dwindle.

There were plans to cross into the other side of the portal and stop the Kaiju from crossing over - but the MEKKs that were sent over never returned. Thus, humanity placed their trust on a sophisticated AI, wired into a freshly lobotomized Kaiju. This AI will then cross into the portal, masquerading as a Kaiju, and find out a way to stop the Kaiju from their end.

You are that AI.
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!!LyIGObuRQ3d ID:zo/DZ0s4 No.6028310 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
<span class="mu-i">Welcome Captain, to the ruins of the universe.

It has been decades since the arch-traitor HECATE and her co-conspirators cast down GREAT PSYDON, the first and greatest of those wizard tyrants, and sown their poison among the stars...

Now the cosmos is ravaged by evil in all its forms and PSYDONIA's survival grows more uncertain by the day...

In the midst of the gloom, rumors speak of the last treasure of the dead Witch-Tyrant, the incredible object of power known as *FORTUNA.* Many have gone in search of it, but none of them have returned...

Weary in desire and desparation, you gather your belongings and your crew, eat what may be your last planetside meal, and set off once more into the endless REACH...</span>
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hoodlum @mulet quest #0.999993

ID:064c/nHK No.6035800 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Known to most street-wise as “Meepis” , you dove headfirst into a dungeon rumored to have a powerful artifact amulet, capable of granting you riches, strength and wisdom. You mostly care about the rich part!

Disowned and exiled from most places due to your miscreant nature, this is a rather golden opportunity just for you!

[Previous thread[s:lit] = 1st thread:

2nd thread: ]
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Post-Apocalyptic Harem Management

ID:Bjvkgs8q No.6062677 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A hostile environment and a slave harem. Will you be able to survive?

Most scientists had initially predicted the arrival of AGI by the summer of 2028. The prevailing belief was that AGI would swiftly evolve into ASI, leading to a cataclysmic event known as the Singularity. The only conceivable salvation for humanity rested on a grim choice: either the immediate death of all AI researchers, or the abrupt annihilation of mankind.

The transition unfolded with astonishing speed. Initially, artificial intelligence ushered in a golden age of wonders, yet humans struggled to adapt. Unemployment rates soared as people found themselves rapidly rendered obsolete. The Luddite Party emerged, leading violent anti-government protests worldwide, as a symptom of the mounting discontent. Concurrently, new AI-engineered drugs began circulating, transforming people into hordes of zombies and mutants. Just one year after the ascent of the Luddite Party, global civilization crumbled. This is the year 2032, and the Singularity has been temporarily averted.

You are a member of the Hedonist Faction: the 0.0001%ers known for their early involvement in cryptocurrency mining and trading, the only surviving form of currency post-collapse. You've secured a fortified mansion on Shikoku Island to live out your remaining days. Life expectancy is astoundingly short now, and as a Hedonist, your sole focus is the pursuit of life's most exquisite pleasures.

In this world, traditional prostitution no longer exists due to the prevalence of strange diseases. Instead, Hedonists generally assemble their own harem, featuring the most beautiful and exotic women. These women are either those that were captured before the collapse, remote Luddites ensnared by slave traders, or in rare instances, purified mutants. The mutant fuckers never live long, though.

Only three regions remain untouched by mutants: the Ryukyu Islands, where the Keyence Corporation is headquartered; Polynesia, which is still under the control of its pre-collapse governments; and a few islands in Indonesia, either inhabited by savage tribes or colonized by Luddites. Beyond these sanctuaries, the world has plunged into a chaotic and unrecognizable apocalypse.

You are Marcus Bradbury, former NEET, early Bitcoin miner, and now a financier and investor in the post-collapse economy.

>Choose two NEET traits [Write in]

<span class="mu-r">In the next two turns, we are going to build up the manor and the harem.</span>
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Goblin King Quest #1

ID:QJtzj7YE No.6044784 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This small dark cavern is the only home you have ever known. You have clung to life here with your brothers for three winters. The flesh of deer, rabbit, knife-ear, and man is what has sustained you. Most of it is rotten by the time it makes its way to you, as your marginal achievement among your kin ensures you are the last to eat.

You are of a better mind than your brothers, which has set you back many times. Your thoughts and feelings alienate you from the hierarchical tribal struggle that fills a normal goblin’s life. Much of your free time is spent toiling among the things in the garbage den- this is the only place where your brothers leave you alone.

There is no food here. All of the flesh not eaten is used for breeding in the gore hole, and so all else that remains from what is brought to the cave ends up here. You have spent long hours looking through the bone, hair, and torn clothing that fills the chamber. Small wooden animals, dainty metal chains, and golden bands are a few of the things you have come across. Of the items you have found, the one you most treasure is…

>A shining metal blade, which was hidden inside a bed roll carelessly deemed garbage by your brothers. You became proficient with the weapon only after practicing for a short time, and it now swinging it feels like moving a limb you were born with.

>The burnt remains of books which contain dozens of witch-words. Learning to read them came naturally to you, even with no teacher. Speaking was much harder, but you eventually found your way there too. When chanting these words, you can conjure flashes of light and fire.
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A civilization chess hybrid

!!mcGo4NTt/RX ID:10DgL/4B No.6049786 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A simple CIV clone with concurrent chess like combat and procedurally generated map. No dicerolling besides the map generation which doesn't involve the players.
A turn is done once all players have finished their actions or if the turn has been on for two days. The pace can be discussed further.

Pick a color and a corner. For now only 4 players as this is experimental and the map is quite small.


>Gather resources from your tiles each turn
>Gold is stored
>Food is not stored
>Settlements consume food and units consume gold
>Remaining resources can be spent on buildings or other actions
>Food deficit caps the production of gold from settlements by the available food production
>Gold deficit disables all actions that require gold
>You can expand to any adjacent tile at the cost appropriate to the terrain as long as there is either a settlement or fort within 3 tiles
>Expanding or moving units reveals adjacent tiles which are then rolled for next turn
>Diagonal tiles are not adjacent

More rules in the subsequent posts
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Reincarnated as a Peasant in a Fantasy world Quest

ID:Az11Jzpv No.6029286 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A quest about reincarnating in another world. Certain things will be randomly decided like your parent's professions, nature and terrain of the village etc.

Worth of not is that picking options that get the character killed will usually just result in them dying and a new one being made or the quest ending.

For now the first choice in the quest is:
> Who were we in the real world?
- propose who the person was pre reincarnation you can do as little as just a job title orexpand more. Once we have 3 people agreeing on that we will proceed.

Every person posting please also roll 1d100, the first 6 1d100's will decide the hair colour, eye colour, village terrain, village size, mother's occupation and father's occupation.

I will not present the full rolling tables, but generally low number is something bad, high number is something good.
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