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Threads by latest replies - Page 16

List of things I hate

ID:QeFjqeGt No.22284089 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Ukrainian government
Angry women
Military parades
Kid Rock
Rap music
Live action television
The internet of things
AI art
Star Wars sequels
The Ten Commandments
The Sermon on the Mount
"Peace and Love"
Grand Strategy Games
MMA fighter quotes
Joe Rogan
Cartoon Network
Ethnic music

ID:Y3jnBfl8 No.22282811 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
he murdered a chair
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ID:O/iL/Va0 No.22280760 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
they're playing tag
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Don’t marry the woman you love

No.22283533 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Marry the woman who will be the better housewife and who will take better care of your children. This is what I learned after almost 30 years of living and dating a widely different array of women.
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ID:6d9GcRJC No.22270030 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do I draw well?
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This is the real face of jesus!

No.22283933 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
After a year of research (applied autism), I finally cracked the code!

Modern Christianity was created in two parts: 1)originally as an imperial cult, and 2)with the subversion of this imperial cult by a confederation of rabbis after the Bar Kokhba Revolt (132–136 CE).

There was a Byzantine imperial cult where Julius Caesar (Iupiter-Zeus->I-Zeus->Iseus) = Asander of Bosphorus, Cleopatra = Dynamis Ourania. King Herod was Mark Antony's regional alias and Dynamis/Cleopatra and Mark Antony/King Herod's descendants were king Izates of Monobazus and his nephew Tiberius Julius Sauromates (see pic attached).

Then after the Bar Kokhba Revolt a group of rabbis who were headed by Rabbi named Akiva decided that subversion was the only way to defeat the Romans. So, they took this imperial cult and infused a slave morality into it.

Rabbi Akiva's students/scribes:

-Markianos of Alexandria = Marcion of Sinope.
-Shimon bar Yochai who was the author of 'The Secrets of Rabbi Simon ben Yohai' which was the manuscript for Islam (Allah and Muhammad the reheaded warlord were parodies of Atillia the Hun and his uncle Ruglia waging war against Rome because they wanted to get the Arabs to wage war against Eastern Rome).
-Aristo of Pella = Luke the Evangelist.
-Hegesippus = Josephus ('The Antiquities of the Jews' was historical fiction that was backdated to make christianity look legitimate).
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ID:5WntiWID No.22283493 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Race-mixing is a jewish plan for the destruction of White genetics.

Also remember that the jewish bolsheviks committed the worst genocide in history by killing 60 million White Christians by starvation, called the Holodomor. It is never talked about because the victims weren't jews.

Also remember that only around 200k jews died during the holocaust, whereas tens of millions of White people were killed during the war trying to save them.

ID:YMc3CAdf No.22276172 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
tunnel timothy
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