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ID:qg7IKDEe No.22108864 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I love computers and thigh highs

kpop general

ID:kuDY4KOX No.22087460 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
117 posts and 29 images omitted

Why did they delete my bread thread :(

ID:MUp0OZzA No.22097230 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What did you guys post?
19 posts and 8 images omitted

Biblical Contradictions

No.22100802 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If the Bible is the ultimate truth, why does it include so many things that don't make sense?

>why did it spend pages describing Jesus' paternal lineage from King David if Joseph isn't his biological father?
>why is this lineage different between Matthew and Luke? You can't say one is the lineage of Mary because they both end at Joseph's father.
>if the birth of Jesus was so important, why is it not in Mark when it is in the other 3 gospels?
>why is the nativity story different between Matthew and Luke? For example Matthew says the King was Herod but Luke says it was his son Archelaus. In Matthew Mary and Joseph live in Bethlehem but in Luke they have to travel there.
>why is Matthew the only gospel that says King Herod performed a massacre of infants?
>why is he "Jesus of Nazareth" if he was born in Bethlehem?
>why would a census force people to travel to the towns of their ancestors if the point of a census is to know where people currently are?
>if Jesus had to be crucified, why is what Judas did considered a betrayal when he was supposedly fulfilling prophecy?
>why is the death of Judas completely different between Matthew and Acts?

I mean, it's clearly all made up right? You can believe in Jewish fairytales if you want but how can anyone call this a holy truth when it isn't even internally consistent?
159 posts and 5 images omitted

!!+BhVj0FRlGa ID:UvyHysFO No.22106954 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
the life you lived is all you have to look back on when you died.
what do you say on your death bed?
should have fished alot more
3 posts and 2 images omitted

!!UpNXIRk0JH+ ID:vPxfNFWJ No.22100600 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
rained out of work
i will play stalker 2 all day in my pjs thank you for reading my blog
31 posts and 18 images omitted

i hate niggers

ID:khVBcvQF No.22102022 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i hate niggers
19 posts and 3 images omitted

4chan Happenings Thread

ID:ZFw6Cuuv No.22104754 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, habbenings, haqqenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting / avatarfagging et al. belong in the nonexistent /nah/ thread (>>>/vip/nah/)

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