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Threads by latest replies - Page 9

ID:nq39pHgJ No.22107446 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
um hello fellow banters
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/smg/ - Stock Market General

ID:L+osZHrr No.22101111 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
328 posts and 105 images omitted

ID:QQ2vREG0 No.22102949 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's settle this once and for all. Is Pluto a planet?
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ID:3aLu1x02 No.22106955 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
my left ball hurts
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No.22103832 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do black people make such better music than everyone else, even though they’ve been through so much as a race?
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ID:prZWNZR8 No.22106039 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
do you guys get gut feelings about anything. For example does a part of your town just give you a bad feeling. Or maybe certain boards here on 4channel. Or certain posters. It can also be inexplicably good feelings too. I like railway stations, and hotels, and stock markets, and busy banks (in my city there are these public walkways under them so all the bank workers are always eating there), it gives me an orange glow especially in the morning and i like it alot. It could also be because im lonely and it makes me feel like im part of something in the rush hour even tho im a neet.............
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ID:v7PVf1dm No.22107344 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You blank pages always talking shit, acting like we darker kings are inferior to you glow-in-the-dark apes, yet your birth rates are low as shit. Let a young nigga, like me, tell you how to get those numbers up. Fuck bitches, get money. It's that easy.
>But nigger!
A couple of you racist ass bitches will say
>i don't have a job nor skills
My nigga... you got to start from somewhere. Mcdonalds is always hiring.
>I can't get any hoes!!!!
You got no game you filthy mayo. Seriously, how are you considered one of the most attractive races on earth and you STILL can't get some pussy? Work on that shit.
Or you can always follow your family footsteps and fuck your sister kek.

>Christ is king

No.22106704 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
how come /pol/ christcucks always leave out the rest of the title...of the jews
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ID:0QVhP2Eb No.22104735 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
why black people with so much estrogens?They are the most feminine.
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ID:graH3LhH No.22105372 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
check out this squirrel eating a carrot like a bunny
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