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Threads by latest replies - Page 15

ID:ujg/6tXn No.22102850 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
the flag of /bant/
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ID:gV1QCpR0 No.22103618 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I stepped on my glasses

how does bant cope

ID:oBcwtE9B No.22100662 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hey /bant/ what copium do you guys use to get through the day, anything that helps you take your mind off shit counts!
16 posts and 4 images omitted

ID:GIu6cqbN No.22104129 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The 1980s was a psyop on generation X to make them think having sex and partying was the only goal of life, then when that generation had kids they were all degenerates who dressed like niggers and watched Tik Tok video; longing for a world of 80s luster with all their nostalgia and true, but really that age in of itself was also derelict. The 50s though more family orientated was just as materialistic with their copy paste houses and frozen food and bbqs. When conservatives say “make America great again” what they really mean is they want to go back to consumeristic 1950s generica which was built on the wealth of the plunder Axis powers; the last remains of the old ways. Conservatives also don’t have real culture anymore; they revere niggas like Martin Luther King and think there is nothing more all American than MK Ultra rock music and WWE degenerates. Grandma was right about Elvis shaking his hips, it made a generation of niggas.

No.22104553 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
imagine getting bullied to death by a homo performer, ain't you got no self-respect girl?
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No.22102068 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>gets famous making videos cooking food from movies and tv shows
>has mental breakdown
>gets addicted to coke
>gf sends him to a mental institution
>gets raped by black inmate
>gf dumps him
>barely gets 300k views per video
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ID:L+H8HjOK No.22104142 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I can see it now its taken years but i can finally see magic eye pictures holy shit. Thank you strange love >>22102603.
I can see this video now and it really is 3d and everything wow.


No.22099567 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dabbing on the goyim edition
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ID:YwJSVLcy No.22104074 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

No.22103133 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How's are my boobs looking?
19 posts and 6 images omitted