Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.

Europe’s soldiers keep quitting, just when NATO needs them

No.1279377 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Replies: 12 | Images: 0 | Posters: ?

White right-wing father of White school shooter found guilty of manslaughter

No.1278507 ViewReplyOriginalReport
706KiB, 2433x1361, Oxford-High-School-Ethan-Crumbley-Oxford-school-massacre-Sig-Sauer-pistol-Madisyn-Baldwin-Tate-Myre-Justin-Shilling-Hana-St-Juliana[1].jpg
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Replies: 134 | Images: 0 | Posters: 1

Biden opposes Japanese takeover of US Steel, touts ‘American steelworkers’

No.1278342 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Replies: 12 | Images: 0 | Posters: 1

Former Treasury Secretary Mnuchin is putting together an investor group to buy TikTok

No.1277534 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Replies: 11 | Images: 0 | Posters: 1

House Republicans Are Suddenly Desperate to End Biden Impeachment

No.1277364 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Replies: 17 | Images: 0 | Posters: 1

An Overwhelming Majority of the House voted to ban Tik Tok

No.1277340 ViewReplyOriginalReport
32KiB, 452x678, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f69435166636f4d773733726448513d3d2d35342e313630326230623162633562643263393837363733383137393730372e6a7067.jpg
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Replies: 48 | Images: 0 | Posters: 1

Attorney Who Volunteered to Teach Children Photography Charged with Child Porn Possession

No.1277242 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Replies: 1 | Images: 0 | Posters: 1

Boeing whistleblower found dead in US in apparent suicide

No.1276743 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Replies: 23 | Images: 0 | Posters: 1

Doctors admit link between transgender hormone therapy and cancer

No.1276534 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Replies: 8 | Images: 0 | Posters: ?

How boomers are eating the younger generations I. Germany

No.1276531 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Replies: 2 | Images: 0 | Posters: 1