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Threads by latest replies - Page 19

No.2804764 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fishing is literally gacha for rednecks
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No.2806654 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Guys. I know the paperwork and stuff to be able to fish in Germany is a mess, but once you get to fish, is it any good? Im thinking southern Germany, but if there are better places do tell.

No.2803375 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>look at weather forecasts for Feb
>winter is basically over
>avg temps in the 40s, with maybe a few lows in the 20s
>only a few days of snow predicted
This is so depressing. Where can I go in the US that still gets snow reliably until like April or March that isn't Alaska and is actually cold?
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No.2803563 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just leaving this here
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No.2806689 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to grow san Marzano tomato's this april I live in zone 7a in the usa. I want to have them taste just as good as the ones grown in italy. apparently the soil used comes from mt vesuvius so thats why they are so good. how do i accurately recreate volcanic soil to make my tomatoes taste better
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No.2806318 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>buy some new trial runners
>decide to hit up some dunes with them
>everything goes fine
>get back to car
>notice they feel weird now around the toes
>think nothing of i t
>go out for another hike the next day
>realize something is definitely fucked with the toes
>pull out the insole
>realize there is a huge lump of sand between the sole of the shoe and some stitching on the bottom
>can't get it out for the life of me
i'm never going dune walking again, going to have to cut this stitching open to even drain this shit
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Becoming a Back Sleeper

No.2804380 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Tired (literally) of being a sidesleepercel and want to become a backsleepingchad so I can sleep for more than 3 hours before my shoulder/legs go numb and wake me up.

Anyone successfully done this?
Will my unconscious self betray me and flip over to my side regardless?
Should I just resign myself to the extra pound to carry a thicker sleeping pad?
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No.2806881 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I plan to hike Mount Fuji before the next eruption so that I can say I did it before Japan was destroyed. Is there any tips for doing so? It looks like quite a journey but i'd imagine base camp is pretty high up?
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No.2796887 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
red pill me on the universal studios eat a hillbilly tea test?
7 posts and 3 images omitted