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Threads by latest replies - Page 20

No.2730936 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are some dangerous jobs that an able bodied person can make a bunch of money in?
I've been looking into wildland firefighting but it seems like Oregon is the only place to go for that. Also the pay doesn't seem substantial.
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Good outdoor dogs?

No.2726741 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I've tried asking on 'dog' forums but I get nothing but a bunch of hysterical fucking pearl clutching faggots who start throwing accusations and character defamation around because I may not be of the opinion that dogs are actually human babies.

I need a dog that can tolerate at the minimum sleeping overnight on its own, in a dedicated plush outhouse of its own, but still with some good guarding instincts and physical capabilities.

All the personal protection breeds are faggots who will start whining and crying and pissing themselves if they're physically separated from their owners and forced into the indignity of not sleeping in your house according to the literature.

Which rules out the otherwise ideal breeds ie Dobermanns, GSD. Any Anons had experience with dogs that are still down to ride like a Dobe/GSD but don't suffer separation anxieties?

Thanks outists.
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/out/ confessions

No.2736125 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm scared of the dark.
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No.2733917 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Next month I'm starting a 3 month long camping/traveling trip to Denali, Katmai, Kenai Fjords, and Lake Clark national parks. PART of the trip is guided, but not all of it. I do have bear spray packed, but also own a little ruger lcr 357 snubby revolver that I plan to pack with. Is it retarded, given the length of the trip, to instead purchase another packing pistol? There won't be any hunting during this trip. I have other guns but they're either pocket pistols or a 20" shotgun I'm not lugging around for weeks at a time.

Of course I have bear bags, know not to cook food in the open or leave food, etc. I'm trying to minimalize encounters entirely.
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No.2738418 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
are they afraid of the outdoors?
1 post omitted

No.2725691 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Can I see your Angel's Landing® National Parks Trail Permit™ please?
>Oh you mean you don't have one?
>That'll be a $200 + tip fine then

What would you do, /out/?
45 posts and 9 images omitted

trees love CO2

No.2719750 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
trees love CO2
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NPS Lottery

No.2738005 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anon, you DID get your National Park lottery tickets, right? We'd hate for you to book a once-in-a-decade trip only to miss the most impressive vistas due to random chance.

/HGM/ - homegrowmen 390

No.2733403 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

New USDA zone map has been released:

Koppen Climate Map:

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous: >>2729875
Over knee high by 4th of... June. Next month looks to be pretty dry for a lot of us. Mulch around your plants to help the soil retain water.
330 posts and 93 images omitted

No.2737802 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Did they have gay sex before reaching the summit of Everest?