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Korean Glamping Channels

No.2806219 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
On YT, you click on one of them and you get recommended several others. They all appear to be using the same inflatable camping gear from China, many thousands of dollar+ tents made for 12+ people by themselves, they all have Jeeps instead of domestic vehicles, and they all appear to be models wearing heavy makeup.
Kirin Camp
UNI Camp
I'm sure there are plenty more. Are all of these Instagram-based "camping" channels becoming a trend? Are they all managed by a modeling agency? Why do they all use $15,000 worth of camping gear to spend the night in the snow? Anyone have any experience with these?
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No.2806265 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are hip straps a meme?
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No.2802374 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's the best way to get into tornado chasing with the season soon coming up?
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What is a good /out/ car? What specifications?

No.2790963 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hello everyone,

What are good cars that are ideal to be bought and used specifically for the purpose of /out/ings?

The car needs to
>access crappy logging roads, in freezing winters or hot summers
>be sub 5k ideally (used market)
>big enough to bring 2 people minimum and gear such as canvas tent and stove (for winter camping in canada)
>reliable enough to not shit out after non-daily use
>have reasonably available and affordable replacement parts for a home mechanic
>relatively simple maintenance, no computer lockout bullshit

Am I missing any specifications? I'm really not a car guy, but I have a lot of experience fixing boats and boat engines so I doubt a car would be that much more complicated to maintain.

I see a lot of early 2000s jeeps being sold by owner for very little so Idk, i'll start with a jeep?
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No.2804860 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Which /out/ sport attracts the worst people? Surfing or Skiing and/or snowboarding?
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No.2804002 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>$375 a fucking day to hire someone to teach me how to become a mountaineer
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Post NearDeath/Spoopy stories

No.2803688 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I’ll go first: part 1
be me with a friend
>decide to hike/camp out towards a high peak we always watched in the distance in The uk near the Lake District
>newfag so barely pack the right stuff outside of the essentials
>by day 2 we are basically out of food miles in the brush and have already had to filter and boil water.
>area is littered with dense evergreens, woods are dark af during the day.
>I’d be creeped out if I was alone.
>on the second night decide to make camp, and will head out towards a small village on the dated map.
>We are so fucked from walking 6+ hours without any food and little water it feels like a drug trio when we finally make camp.
>drink a can of beer each and attempt to fall asleep
>hear strange sounds around the camp
>tell my brain it’s just animals as I can recognise some of the yelps in the distance from foxes
>I hear a raspy, gurgled cackling, sounds like some old woman. Defiantly not an animal I’ve heard before
>it’s not coming from in the camp but it’s close enough to start my adrenaline spiking.
>hold my breath paralysed
>unsure wether to listen closer and pinpoint if it’s coming closer or lauch out if the tent with a banzai charge
>sit there in paranoid silence because I’m a bitch
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No.2804133 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've started taking quite a liking to military surplus gear (specifically for cold weather). It's cheap, and works wonder and honestly it's very comfortable. Some of the layers i've bought so far could be used during warmer months, but are people going to call the police on me or do weird shit when they see someone in camo? Right now in winter it's great since no one is fucking out besides hunters and hunters embrace camo, but during the summer months all the hikers are in neon colors, bright reds, blues, yellows and I know i'll stand out like a sore thumb.
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No.2805340 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is this allowed?
There is literally nothing that peeves me more than parking lots trying to gate hikers in. Like there's god millions of trails without locking gates and that works fine, but no, you have to make sure they are gone by 4:30 or else you are going to trap them overnight to punish them.
Total boomer shit!
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No.2804582 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
They've destroyed over half their island
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